Those who use their wits and skills to gather information and solve mysteries for a living. Examples of the Investigator include detectives, insurance investigators, reporters, etc.
The Law and Journalism Backgrounds should work particularly well with this class.
XP, HD, BHB, and Luck as Treasure Hunter
Investigators can use any weapon or armor.
The Investigator can use this ability to observe a person for a single round and then make a conclusion as to that persons age, character level, nationality, recent activities, etc based on the Investigator's experience and training.
The Referee should set a difficulty number for this roll based on the optional Skill rules in Appendix Four. Roll d20, add Level and Intelligence Bonus to the roll.
With a successful Charisma Luck roll the Investigator may ask one favor of a contact such as a coroner to view a body, a lawman to talk to a prisoner, etc. The favor will be things not generally available to the average citizen. The contact will not endanger himself or his employment and may negotiate a payment or favor in return if the request by the Investigator is difficult or unpleasant.
He may call upon these contacts twice per adventure at first level. He may add an extra time for each bonus to his Charisma check due to higher levels.
After reviewing clues, interviewing witnesses, visiting crime scenes, etc the Investigator can make an Intelligence Luck roll.
If successful the Investigator may ask the DM a single yes or no question which the DM must answer honestly. The Investigator can do this once per adventure at 1st level and can ask more one more question at levels 5 and10.
The Investigator has a keen eye for spotting small details. When actively looking for clues or difficult to spot items such as a torn piece of matchbook, bloodstains, footprints, hidden doors, etc.
The Referee should set a difficulty number for this roll based on the optional Skill rules in Appendix Four. Roll d20, add Level and Intelligence Bonus to the roll.
Open Locks
Investigators are often called upon to enter places they are not wanted.
They can pick locks and otherwise get past mechanical barriers. For most locks this is automatic. Particularly challenging locks such as a safe will require a difficulty number to overcome based on the optional Skill rules in Appendix Four. Roll d20 add Level and Dexterity Bonus to the roll.
Investigators are fantastic at listening and picking up bits of conversation and other useful sound bits. By taking a full round and performing no other actions they can attempt to focus on snippets of conversations in a crowd, listen through doors, and hear other faint noises.
The Referee should set a difficulty number for this roll based on the optional Skill rules in Appendix Four. Roll d20, add Level and Wisdom Bonus to the roll.
Optional Skills
If the optional skills system is used the Investigator is treated as a Treasure Hunter.
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