Tuesday, October 20, 2015
A few Dracula Movies for October
BBC 1977
Frank Langella, 1979
Sovereign of the Damned, animated 1980 (adapted from Marvel Comics Tomb of Dracula)
BBC 2006
Thursday, May 28, 2015
White Star: Star Wars Races, not Race Class
I decided to throw a few Star Wars races together for a game.
I love Race-Classes but they aren't in the Spirit of Star Wars to me.
These are rough, but they should work.
Oh, and as for the question of 'why should I play a human if these other races are bettter....'
'Better' is subjective. The aliens have ability score adjustments which can make an ability check more difficult and can lose an ability score bonuses. An 'in-universe' reason is the inherit racism towards aliens in Star Wars. Many are actively enslaved by the Empire. All are treated with various degrees of disdain by humanity. If you need a mechanical reason for playing human, give them a +10% exp bonus.
-1 Dex, +1 AC
Weak Long Distance Vision: -1 ranged attacks
Talons: 1d4 dmg, +2 climbing checks
Salt Addiction: if salt is consumed the Arcona must make a Saving Throw at a -6 penalty or become addicted. An addict must consume 25 grams of salt daily or suffer a -2 to all rolls.
+2 Dex, -2 Con
Sharp Eyed: -1 to surprise rolls.
Detect: they have a 4-in-6 chance to find secret doors or hidden objects when searching, unlike th other races, which have a 2-in-6 chance. Bothans also have a 1-in-6 chance to notice a secret door even when they are not searching.
+2 Int, +2 Wis, -2 Dex
Intuitive: +1 iniative bonus.
+2 Dex. -2 Int, -2 Wis
+2 Dex, +2 Int, -2 Con
Natural Starfarer: +1 to Piloting and Navigation checks.
+2 Dex, -2 Str, +2 AC vs larger than Wookie sized creatures
Add +1 to surprise attempts, +2 in forest settings.
Language Restriction
+2 Str, -2 Int, -2 Wis, +2 AC
Primitive: -1 ranged weapon attacks
Language Restriction
Energy Detection: +1 to search checks
Mood Detection: with a Wisdom check the Gotal can read the mood of all creatures within a 30' radius.
Tracking: +2 when tracking living beings or droid whose energy signature they have encountered before.
+2 Dex, -2 Int, -2 Chs
Low light vision (60')
Amphibious: can hold breath for 30 minutes per point of Constitution and are fast swimmers
Listen: can hear noise on a 1-3 on a 1d6
+2 Wis, +2 Chs, -2 Dex
+2 to Saves vs Meditation/Force abilities and Saves involving Willpower
+2 on Survival and nature related checks
+2 Dex, -4 Str, -2 Chs, +2 AC vs larger than Wookie-sized creatures
Dark vison (90')
+2 bonus with technology repairs, etc
Language Restriction
Kel Dor
+2 Dex, +2 Wis, -2 Con
Atmosphere Restriction: Helium, requires breather
+2 Save vs Meditation/Force abiities
Low Light Vision (60')
Mon Cal
+2 Int, +2 Wis, -2 Con
Amphibious: can breathe and and are fast swimmers
Low Light Vision (60')
-1 to Saves vs Willpower in dry/arid enviornments
+2 Dex, +2 Wis, -2 Con
Amphibious: can breathe and and are fast swimmers
Low Light Vision (60')
-1 to Saves vs Willpower in dry/arid enviornments
+2 Dex, -2 Wis, -2 Chs
+1 Surprise Rolls
Low Light Vision (60')
+2 Dex, -2 Con
Dark Vision (90')
+2 Climb
Regeneration: 1 hp/turn
+2 Dex, +2 Wis, -2 Con
+1 Surprise
-2 fighting blind (instead of -4 penalty)
+2 Sneak
+2 Str, -2 Dex, +2 Con, +1 AC
Dark Vision (90')
Regenerate: 1hp/turn
+2 Chs, -2 Wis
Low Light Vision (60')
+2 Save vs Poison
Lekku (Head tail language)
+4 Str, -2 Dex, -2 Wis, +2 AC
+2 to Intimidate
+2 to Climb
Fast Healing: 2 hp/day and fully healed in two weeks
Language Restriction
I love Race-Classes but they aren't in the Spirit of Star Wars to me.
These are rough, but they should work.
Oh, and as for the question of 'why should I play a human if these other races are bettter....'
'Better' is subjective. The aliens have ability score adjustments which can make an ability check more difficult and can lose an ability score bonuses. An 'in-universe' reason is the inherit racism towards aliens in Star Wars. Many are actively enslaved by the Empire. All are treated with various degrees of disdain by humanity. If you need a mechanical reason for playing human, give them a +10% exp bonus.
-1 Dex, +1 AC
Weak Long Distance Vision: -1 ranged attacks
Talons: 1d4 dmg, +2 climbing checks
Salt Addiction: if salt is consumed the Arcona must make a Saving Throw at a -6 penalty or become addicted. An addict must consume 25 grams of salt daily or suffer a -2 to all rolls.
+2 Dex, -2 Con
Sharp Eyed: -1 to surprise rolls.
Detect: they have a 4-in-6 chance to find secret doors or hidden objects when searching, unlike th other races, which have a 2-in-6 chance. Bothans also have a 1-in-6 chance to notice a secret door even when they are not searching.
+2 Int, +2 Wis, -2 Dex
Intuitive: +1 iniative bonus.
+2 Dex. -2 Int, -2 Wis
+2 Dex, +2 Int, -2 Con
Natural Starfarer: +1 to Piloting and Navigation checks.
+2 Dex, -2 Str, +2 AC vs larger than Wookie sized creatures
Add +1 to surprise attempts, +2 in forest settings.
Language Restriction
+2 Str, -2 Int, -2 Wis, +2 AC
Primitive: -1 ranged weapon attacks
Language Restriction
Energy Detection: +1 to search checks
Mood Detection: with a Wisdom check the Gotal can read the mood of all creatures within a 30' radius.
Tracking: +2 when tracking living beings or droid whose energy signature they have encountered before.
+2 Dex, -2 Int, -2 Chs
Low light vision (60')
Amphibious: can hold breath for 30 minutes per point of Constitution and are fast swimmers
Listen: can hear noise on a 1-3 on a 1d6
+2 Wis, +2 Chs, -2 Dex
+2 to Saves vs Meditation/Force abilities and Saves involving Willpower
+2 on Survival and nature related checks
+2 Dex, -4 Str, -2 Chs, +2 AC vs larger than Wookie-sized creatures
Dark vison (90')
+2 bonus with technology repairs, etc
Language Restriction
Kel Dor
+2 Dex, +2 Wis, -2 Con
Atmosphere Restriction: Helium, requires breather
+2 Save vs Meditation/Force abiities
Low Light Vision (60')
Mon Cal
+2 Int, +2 Wis, -2 Con
Amphibious: can breathe and and are fast swimmers
Low Light Vision (60')
-1 to Saves vs Willpower in dry/arid enviornments
+2 Dex, +2 Wis, -2 Con
Amphibious: can breathe and and are fast swimmers
Low Light Vision (60')
-1 to Saves vs Willpower in dry/arid enviornments
+2 Dex, -2 Wis, -2 Chs
+1 Surprise Rolls
Low Light Vision (60')
+2 Dex, -2 Con
Dark Vision (90')
+2 Climb
Regeneration: 1 hp/turn
+2 Dex, +2 Wis, -2 Con
+1 Surprise
-2 fighting blind (instead of -4 penalty)
+2 Sneak
+2 Str, -2 Dex, +2 Con, +1 AC
Dark Vision (90')
Regenerate: 1hp/turn
+2 Chs, -2 Wis
Low Light Vision (60')
+2 Save vs Poison
Lekku (Head tail language)
+4 Str, -2 Dex, -2 Wis, +2 AC
+2 to Intimidate
+2 to Climb
Fast Healing: 2 hp/day and fully healed in two weeks
Language Restriction
Thursday, May 21, 2015
White Star: Starship Options and Star Wars Ship Sampler
Piloting Maneuvers/Skill
When a character needs to make a fancy maneuver with their ship (such as flying between crushing asteroids) the character can roll under their Dex score (with modifiers from the Referee) to perform the maneuver.
Options: Pilots get a +3 bonus (plus Dex modifier if any) to the Piloting roll.
If using the Save as Skill system the modifiers above all apply.
Combat Options
Allow Pilots to add their Dex bonus (if any) to their ship/vehicle's AC.
Pilots receive an extra +1 to their ship/vehicles AC at level 3, 6, and 9. (This makes Pilot's really shine above other classes in starship/vehicle combat. It also rewards Pilots gaining levels in Pilot over multi-classing.)
Modifications Options
Star Wars ships, at least the primary heroes and villian's, are heavily modified. The Millenium Falcon and Slave-1 being prime examples. More so than what basic White Star allows. With this option any ship can be modified with any modification. Normal limits (such as Advanced Shielding limited to three) apply.
Costs remain the same.
Most classes of starships are similar in stats until they are modified. For simplicity a stock YT-1300 and another light freighter are mechanically the same until modifications are added in.
White Star does a good job of emulating the ships of Star Wars. Most categories of ships make excellent base templates. However..
I want varied stats for starfighters, not just the basic stats for stunt fighter in White Star.
I also believe a Star Destroyer is more of a beast than the Dreadnaught entry.
Here's my versions.
Stunt Fighters (Starfighters)
Movement 15
ATTACK 4d6 (Laser Cannons) [pilot-linked], 8d6 ( 3 Proton Torpedoes) [pilot-linked]
Movement 13
ATTACK 3d6 (Laser Cannons) [pilot-linked], 2d6 (Light Ion Cannons) [pilot-linked], 8d6 (Proton Torpedoes) [pilot-linked]
Movement 20
ATTACK 4d6 (Laser Cannons) [pilot-linked]
Movement 10
ATTACK 4d6 (Laser Cannons) [pilot-linked], 2d6 (Light Ion Cannons), 3d6 (Proton Torpedoes) [pilot-linked]
Z-95 Headhunter
Movement 12
ATTACK 3d6 (Laser Cannons) [pilot-linked]
TIE Fighter
Movement 10
ATTACK 4d6 (Laser Cannons) [pilot-linked]
Star Destroyer
Movement 9
ATTACK Heavy Laser x20 (6d6), Ion Charge x8 (2d6), Proton
Missile x4 (12d6)
Advanced Shielding (3), Automated Weapons (16), Faster-Than-Light Drive, Ion Charge (8), Proton Missiles (4), Tractor Beam (2), Shield Capacitor
Blockade Runner
Corellian Corvette

Heavy Transport
Heavy Freighter (Bulk Freighter)
Light Transport
YT-1300 (Light Freighter)
YT series and other models of light freighters
Space Yacht
Star Cruiser
Mon Cal Star Cruiser
Nebulon-B Frigate
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
White Star: A few Star Wars orientated classes. (OSR)
Here are three classes for White Star to give a bit more variety in a Star Wars style game.
Saving Throw as Skill System
Used in other games (such as the fantastic Crypts & Things) this simple rule adds an easy and elegant skill system. The character makes a Saving Throw roll + special ability bonus + bonus or penalty as the Referee sees fit. A total equal to or higher to the Saving Throw is a success.
For example a fifth level Mercenary is attempting to climb a cliff. The Referee rules he will get to use his Str bonus (if he has one; he does.)
His Saving Throw is 10, his Str bonus is +1, and the Referee rules this is a difficult task and puts forth a -4 penalty.
The Mercenary rolls a 13. 13 +1 (Str bonus) -4 (Referee penalty) = 10. A success! Barely.
I allow multi-classing. It gets more abilities into a character's arsenal and it fits IMHO with the character's in the films. In my games Han Solo is a Pilot/Scoundrel. Chewie is an Alien Brute/Pilot.
Use your favorite method for this. There are many out there to choose from.
For my own games I am use the following:
Only one extra class may be chosen. If you are an alien, you start as an alien then you can multi-class into a regular class.
Gaining a Level: When you wish to gain your second Class you must earn enough exp to gain a new level in your current class. When this occurs the exp are spent (you are still at the current level of your first class at base exp for that level) and have gained your new Class at first level with 0 exp in this new class. You may level each class up normally from this point. From this point on you must choose which class to put your exp earnings into. The Referee may choose for you if you are obviously using one class over the other.
Hp's and Base to Hit are simply added together from level to level.
Saving Throws: The best of both is used.
Restrictions: Weapon and armor restrictions apply. If you take a class that restricts them you must follow these rules or you cannot use the class abilities that restrict them.
Bounty Hunter
- +1 to surprise enemy (1-3 on a 1d6).
- Detect Lie: +3 to Save, Wisdom bonus applies. When interrogating a contact, target, etc, the Bounty Hunter may make a roll to determine how good the info was.
- Track: +3 to Save, Wisdom bonus applies. Not only physical tracking but following a trail of contacts, sightings, etc. A general ability to find the quarry.
HD, Base to Hit, Saving Throw as Aristocrat
- +2 Save vs Death and Poison
- Medical Care: patient gains 2 hp/day instead of 1. Fully healed in two weeks.
- Bind Wounds: restores 1d6 instead of the normal 1d4.
- Second Wind: when a character is at 0 or fewer hp's the medic can temporarily restore 1d6 hp's; they go away after one hour'
HD, Base to Hit, Saving Throw as Pilot
- Gambler: +1 bonus to Gambling checks. Gains a +2 at 5th level.
- Pilfer: +3 to Save, Dex bonus applies. Palming items, picking pockets, other trickery. If failed the Referee will determine if you were caught. When gambling success adds a +1 bonus to the Gambling check.
- Security: +3 to Save, Dex bonus applies. Bypassing electronic and mechanical locks, traps, etc.
- Sneak: +3 to Save, Dex bonus applies. Moving silently, hiding in shadow, you know: sneaking. Allows the character to get the drop on an enemy and get the x2 backstab bonus.
Monday, May 18, 2015
Demon Corpse (OSR Monster)
Demon Corpse
AC: 14
HD: 5 (HP: 30)
ATTACKS: Bite or Claw(1d6) or Special (see below)
SAVE: 11
SPECIAL: Circle of Flame, Immunities, Teleport, Vomit Flame
MOVE: 120(40) Levitation
Not every demon has a physical form. Demon Corpse's are created when such a demon escapes from hell and flows into a corpse, bonding to and reanimating the cadaver as its physical vessel.
They appear as a naked pale withered corpse with long greasy hair, black broken teeth, and black cracked talons. It floats along trailing black vaporous smoke and smells of decay, ash, and brimstone.
The Demon Corpse's primary attack is with its teeth and claws. It will surge forth trying to maul its victim to death.
The Demon Corpse can, once per encounter, creat a 30' circle of hellfire centered on itself. Those who are caught in the circle must make a Saving Throw or suffer a -2 to attacks due to a magical fear effect. The flames can be lept through to escape resulting in 2d6 fire damage.
The Demon Corpse is immune to fire and normal attacks. It is only hit with blessed weapons, magic, holy items and holy water, taking normal damaged from the blessed or magic weapons and 1d8 at the touch of holy items or water.
Three times per day the Demon Corpse can teleport 300'.
Three times per day the Demon Corpse can vomit forth hellfire in a ten foot line doing 3d6 damage. The victim can make a Saving Throw for 1/2 damage.
The Demon Corpse can be turned as a Vampire.
When a Demon Corpse's physcal form is destroyed it is banished back to hell or whatever lower dimension it originates from.
AC: 14
HD: 5 (HP: 30)
ATTACKS: Bite or Claw(1d6) or Special (see below)
SAVE: 11
SPECIAL: Circle of Flame, Immunities, Teleport, Vomit Flame
MOVE: 120(40) Levitation
Not every demon has a physical form. Demon Corpse's are created when such a demon escapes from hell and flows into a corpse, bonding to and reanimating the cadaver as its physical vessel.
They appear as a naked pale withered corpse with long greasy hair, black broken teeth, and black cracked talons. It floats along trailing black vaporous smoke and smells of decay, ash, and brimstone.
The Demon Corpse's primary attack is with its teeth and claws. It will surge forth trying to maul its victim to death.
The Demon Corpse can, once per encounter, creat a 30' circle of hellfire centered on itself. Those who are caught in the circle must make a Saving Throw or suffer a -2 to attacks due to a magical fear effect. The flames can be lept through to escape resulting in 2d6 fire damage.
The Demon Corpse is immune to fire and normal attacks. It is only hit with blessed weapons, magic, holy items and holy water, taking normal damaged from the blessed or magic weapons and 1d8 at the touch of holy items or water.
Three times per day the Demon Corpse can teleport 300'.
Three times per day the Demon Corpse can vomit forth hellfire in a ten foot line doing 3d6 damage. The victim can make a Saving Throw for 1/2 damage.
The Demon Corpse can be turned as a Vampire.
When a Demon Corpse's physcal form is destroyed it is banished back to hell or whatever lower dimension it originates from.
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
D6 Horror: 1970's Marvel Comics Monsters
Since I was a boy I have been obsessed with Marvel's 70's Horror comics.
Tomb of Dracula, Werewolf By Night, Monster of Frankenstein, Morbius, Man-Thing, the Zombie, Ghost Rider Dracula Lives!, Monsters Unleashed, Vampire Tales, Tales of the Zombie, etc.
Dracula is already here. Now for a few more I had laying about.
Morbius, the Living Vampire
Agi 5D
Str 5D
Kno 4D
Per 3D
Fate Points: 1
Character Points: 3
Str Dmg: 3D
Move: 20/ 40 flying
BP: 35
Brawling 6d, Climb/Jump 8d, Dodge 6d, Flying 6d, Intimidation 6d, Lifting 6d, Medicine 6d, Scholar (Drugs) 6d, Scholar (Hematology) 8d, Scholar (Blood Diseases) 8d, Search 6d, Sneak 6d, Willpower 6d
Contacts (I) former friends and colleagues in the medical field.
Infamy (II) public knowledge of his condition and crimes, although the general public believes his is an ordinary serial killer, Quirk (I) guilt over his victims.
Armor (+2D), Claws (+1D Str Dmg), Drain (4D, blood), Flying (3D), Locate Human (2D), Night vision (2D), Regeneration (2D, heal 2 BP per round), Speed (+10 move, +1D initiative), Undead, minor (2D), Wall Crawl (1D)
Appearance (2D, white skin, red eyes, fangs, unusual bat-like features), Craving (3D, blood, nightly), Miscellaneous (2D, must sleep during daytime, or lose 2d6 BP at dusk), Sensitivity (3D, 6d dmg, sunlight)
Frankenstein Monster
Agi 3D
Str 8D
Kno 3D
Per 3D
Fate Points: 1
Character Points: 3
Str Dmg: 5D
Move: 10
BP: 55
Brawling 6d, Intimidation 6d, Languages (French) 6d, Languages (German) 5d, Lifting 10d, Melee 5d, Running 5d, Search 4d, Sneak 4d, Throwing 4d , Willpower 5d
Advantages: None
Handicap (II) difficulty speaking, +5 Diff to Bargain, Command, Con, and Persuasion; Sense of Duty (I)
Armor (+3D), Bounding (2D, +4d Jump checks), Night vision (2D), Regeneration (3D, heal 3BP per round), Resistance (+3D vs. energy), Undead (4D)
Appearance (4D), Repulsion (2D, fire)
Agi 2D
Str 8D
Kno 1D
Per 2D
Fate Points: 0
Character Points: 2
Str Dmg: 5D
Move: 10
BP: 50
Brawling 4d, Hide (Swamp) 10d, Intimidation 5d, Lifting 10d, Search 4d, Sneak 3d
Advantages: None
Handicap (III) mute
Armor (+5D), Empathy (2D), Fear (3D, +6d Intimidation checks), Immortal (4D, destruction of the nexus of all realities), Miscell: Acid Touch (3D, 6d damage, brawling attack. Only works on those who fear or fail vs. the Intimidation+Fear), Night vision (2D), Painless (2D), Regeneration (3D, heal 3BP per round), Resistance (+3D vs. energy), Water Breathing (1D)
Appearance (4D), Command (4D)
The Zombie, Simon Garth
Agi 2D
Str 6D
Kno 1D
Per 3D
Mech 1D
Tech 1D
Fate Points: 0
Character Points: 2
Str Dmg: 3D
Move: 10
BP: 40
Brawling 5d, Hide 4d, Intimidation 5d, Lifting 8d, Search 4d, Sneak 3d, Willpower 2d
Advantages: None
Handicap (III) mute
Armor (+3D), Bounding (2D, Night vision (2D), Regeneration (2D, heal 2BP per round), Painless (2D), Resistance (+3D vs. energy), Undead (4D)
Appearance (2D), Hostility (3D, animals), Miscellaneous (4D, Garth must obey whoever has the Amulet of Damballah in his possession), Sensitivity (2D, 4d damage: fire)
The Ghost Rider
Agi 3D
Str 5D
Kno 2D
Per 3D
Fate Points: 2
Character Points: 3
Str Dmg: 4D
Move: 10
BP: 45
Brawling 8D, Dodge 4D, Hide 4D, Intimidation 8D, Lifting 8d, Melee 6D, Scholar (Occult) 6D, Search 6D, Sneak 4D, Vehicle Operations (Motorcycle) 10D, Willpower 8D
Advantages: None
Infamy (II) The Ghost Rider is a wanted criminal by law enforcement, although they do not know is true nature.
Armor (+3D), Aura Sight (3D), Empathy (2D), Fear (2D, +4D Intimidation), Night vision (2D), Painless (2D), Ranged Attack (3D, Hellfire, 6D dmg, 30/60/90 range ), Regeneration (3D, heal 3BP per round), Resistance (+3D vs. energy), Undead (4D)
Appearance (4D, flaming skeleton), Compulsion (3D, punish evil), Hostility (3D, animals), Vow (3D)
Leather racing suit, Hellfire Cycle.
Hellfire Cycle
Created from the Rider's hellfire it takes one round to form the motorcycle.
The Cycle defies natural laws being incredibly fast and if the flaming wheel can touch a surface the Rider can drive the Cycle on that surface. This allows the Cycle to run over water and up walls. The Cycle has limits; it cannot drive upside down on ceilings,
Move: 280 m (400 kph)
Passengers: 1-2
Toughness 5D
Maneuverability: +2D+1
Jonny Blaze
Agi 3D+2
Str 3D
Kno 2D+1
Per 2D+1
Mech 3D
Tech 2D+2
Fate Points: 1
Character Points: 3
Str Dmg: 1D
Move: 10
BP: 28
Bargain 4D, Brawling 4D, Con 3D, Dodge 4D, Firepower 4D, Intimidation 8D, Investigation 4D, Medicine 3D, Melee 4D, Persuasion 4D, Scholar (Occult) 6D, Search 4D, Security 4D, Sneak 4D, Vehicle Operations (Motorcycle) 10D, Vehicle Repair 6D, Willpower 6D
Contacts (I) The Occult Community: Blaze knows a number of minor magical researchers and other entities from his attempts to free himself of The Rider.
Miscellaneous (III) In the presence of evil Blaze transforms into The Ghost Rider with no control over The Rider, Quirk (II) Secret: the fact that Blaze is The Rider is not known publicly.
Leather riding suit, Knife (Str+1D), motorcycle.
Tomb of Dracula, Werewolf By Night, Monster of Frankenstein, Morbius, Man-Thing, the Zombie, Ghost Rider Dracula Lives!, Monsters Unleashed, Vampire Tales, Tales of the Zombie, etc.
Dracula is already here. Now for a few more I had laying about.
Morbius, the Living Vampire
Agi 5D
Str 5D
Kno 4D
Per 3D
Fate Points: 1
Character Points: 3
Str Dmg: 3D
Move: 20/ 40 flying
BP: 35
Brawling 6d, Climb/Jump 8d, Dodge 6d, Flying 6d, Intimidation 6d, Lifting 6d, Medicine 6d, Scholar (Drugs) 6d, Scholar (Hematology) 8d, Scholar (Blood Diseases) 8d, Search 6d, Sneak 6d, Willpower 6d
Contacts (I) former friends and colleagues in the medical field.
Infamy (II) public knowledge of his condition and crimes, although the general public believes his is an ordinary serial killer, Quirk (I) guilt over his victims.
Armor (+2D), Claws (+1D Str Dmg), Drain (4D, blood), Flying (3D), Locate Human (2D), Night vision (2D), Regeneration (2D, heal 2 BP per round), Speed (+10 move, +1D initiative), Undead, minor (2D), Wall Crawl (1D)
Appearance (2D, white skin, red eyes, fangs, unusual bat-like features), Craving (3D, blood, nightly), Miscellaneous (2D, must sleep during daytime, or lose 2d6 BP at dusk), Sensitivity (3D, 6d dmg, sunlight)
Frankenstein Monster
Agi 3D
Str 8D
Kno 3D
Per 3D
Fate Points: 1
Character Points: 3
Str Dmg: 5D
Move: 10
BP: 55
Brawling 6d, Intimidation 6d, Languages (French) 6d, Languages (German) 5d, Lifting 10d, Melee 5d, Running 5d, Search 4d, Sneak 4d, Throwing 4d , Willpower 5d
Advantages: None
Handicap (II) difficulty speaking, +5 Diff to Bargain, Command, Con, and Persuasion; Sense of Duty (I)
Armor (+3D), Bounding (2D, +4d Jump checks), Night vision (2D), Regeneration (3D, heal 3BP per round), Resistance (+3D vs. energy), Undead (4D)
Appearance (4D), Repulsion (2D, fire)
Agi 2D
Str 8D
Kno 1D
Per 2D
Fate Points: 0
Character Points: 2
Str Dmg: 5D
Move: 10
BP: 50
Brawling 4d, Hide (Swamp) 10d, Intimidation 5d, Lifting 10d, Search 4d, Sneak 3d
Advantages: None
Handicap (III) mute
Armor (+5D), Empathy (2D), Fear (3D, +6d Intimidation checks), Immortal (4D, destruction of the nexus of all realities), Miscell: Acid Touch (3D, 6d damage, brawling attack. Only works on those who fear or fail vs. the Intimidation+Fear), Night vision (2D), Painless (2D), Regeneration (3D, heal 3BP per round), Resistance (+3D vs. energy), Water Breathing (1D)
Appearance (4D), Command (4D)
The Zombie, Simon Garth
Agi 2D
Str 6D
Kno 1D
Per 3D
Mech 1D
Tech 1D
Fate Points: 0
Character Points: 2
Str Dmg: 3D
Move: 10
BP: 40
Brawling 5d, Hide 4d, Intimidation 5d, Lifting 8d, Search 4d, Sneak 3d, Willpower 2d
Advantages: None
Handicap (III) mute
Armor (+3D), Bounding (2D, Night vision (2D), Regeneration (2D, heal 2BP per round), Painless (2D), Resistance (+3D vs. energy), Undead (4D)
Appearance (2D), Hostility (3D, animals), Miscellaneous (4D, Garth must obey whoever has the Amulet of Damballah in his possession), Sensitivity (2D, 4d damage: fire)
The Ghost Rider
Str 5D
Kno 2D
Per 3D
Fate Points: 2
Character Points: 3
Str Dmg: 4D
Move: 10
BP: 45
Brawling 8D, Dodge 4D, Hide 4D, Intimidation 8D, Lifting 8d, Melee 6D, Scholar (Occult) 6D, Search 6D, Sneak 4D, Vehicle Operations (Motorcycle) 10D, Willpower 8D
Advantages: None
Infamy (II) The Ghost Rider is a wanted criminal by law enforcement, although they do not know is true nature.
Armor (+3D), Aura Sight (3D), Empathy (2D), Fear (2D, +4D Intimidation), Night vision (2D), Painless (2D), Ranged Attack (3D, Hellfire, 6D dmg, 30/60/90 range ), Regeneration (3D, heal 3BP per round), Resistance (+3D vs. energy), Undead (4D)
Appearance (4D, flaming skeleton), Compulsion (3D, punish evil), Hostility (3D, animals), Vow (3D)
Leather racing suit, Hellfire Cycle.
Hellfire Cycle
Created from the Rider's hellfire it takes one round to form the motorcycle.
The Cycle defies natural laws being incredibly fast and if the flaming wheel can touch a surface the Rider can drive the Cycle on that surface. This allows the Cycle to run over water and up walls. The Cycle has limits; it cannot drive upside down on ceilings,
Move: 280 m (400 kph)
Passengers: 1-2
Toughness 5D
Maneuverability: +2D+1
Jonny Blaze
Agi 3D+2
Str 3D
Kno 2D+1
Per 2D+1
Mech 3D
Tech 2D+2
Fate Points: 1
Character Points: 3
Str Dmg: 1D
Move: 10
BP: 28
Bargain 4D, Brawling 4D, Con 3D, Dodge 4D, Firepower 4D, Intimidation 8D, Investigation 4D, Medicine 3D, Melee 4D, Persuasion 4D, Scholar (Occult) 6D, Search 4D, Security 4D, Sneak 4D, Vehicle Operations (Motorcycle) 10D, Vehicle Repair 6D, Willpower 6D
Contacts (I) The Occult Community: Blaze knows a number of minor magical researchers and other entities from his attempts to free himself of The Rider.
Miscellaneous (III) In the presence of evil Blaze transforms into The Ghost Rider with no control over The Rider, Quirk (II) Secret: the fact that Blaze is The Rider is not known publicly.
Leather riding suit, Knife (Str+1D), motorcycle.
Monday, April 20, 2015
D6: Supernatural (monsters not the show) Character Rules. Usable with ANY D6.
(converted and reconstituted from Night Life and Into the Shadows)
1.0 Beginning Characters:
7 Free Edge Dice to purchase Edges.
Up to four may be used as extra attribute dice.
Characters may take as many Flaws as they desire.
Flaw Dice are most commonly used to gain more Edge dice, but Extra Flaw Dice (if you have more total Flaw Dice than Edge Dice) may be used for Skills or Advantages.
Advantages and Disadvantages: By the book. Limited to realistic, not fantastic. GM approval.
Special Abilities: Use Edges and Flaws below.
Magic: By the book or any system the GM feels like using.
2.0 Edges
Supernatural characters have powers referred to as Edges and weaknesses referred to as Flaws. New characters will begin with 7 dice to spend on these edges, modified by the number of Flaws taken. See above.
Beginning characters will only have a fraction of their possible powers, but can acquire new Edges and refine previously acquired Edges by with Character Points earned during play and used to advance the Edges as a skill would be advanced, up to the Maximum dice allowed per Edge.
In Night Life games, each use of the Edge costs Humanity points. Worse, even if the character fails their attempt to use the Edge, those points (for using the Edge) are deducted from their Humanity, because the conscious attempt to use such Edges is harmful to the character’s view of their connection to Humanity.
If you are not running a Night Life game, or don’t want to deal with Humanity, simply ignore it.
The dice cost of Edges are listed and followed by the Humanity cost to use the Edge.
Example: Cost: 3D/1
Alter Form
Cost: 3D/1
The Edge to alter one's appearance or clothing by willing it to occur. The user may assume the appearance of a human ranging from the size of a small child to that of a large adult (3' - 7' tall). The user may duplicate the appearance of a known person or create a totally new appearance. This does not cause Attributes to change. The appearance, not the substance, is changed. Please note that this Edge affects appearance only, not voice or mannerisms. To copy these, the user would need to employ the Charm, Con, or Persuasion skill.
This Edge will allow the user to alter clothing already worn, or produce clothing on the body. If the clothing is removed from contact with the user's body, it reverts to its previous appearance or disappears, as the case may be.
Once appearance has been Altered, it will remain stable with no effort on the part of the user. Normal appearance will be restored when the user desires, or if the user is knocked unconscious.
Animal Control
Cost: 1-3D/1
Only one type of animal is chosen: wolves, dogs, bats, rats, crows, etc. For more than one type, separate Animal Control abilities must be bought for each. The number of animals (or swarms for bats, rats, etc.) summoned is equal to 1d6 per dice. The range is one mile per dice and there must be animals in the range to be summoned. This Edge summons animals, NOT creates them.
It will take at least 2d6 rounds for animals to arrive unless they are on the scene. Animals controlled can follow only basic one or two word commands, the limits of which are the GM's discretion.
Animal Empathy
Cost: 3D/2
This is the Edge to communicate with one animal via a direct mind link. Any animal thus contacted will be friendly to the user, and will not attack people the user designates as friends unless they first attack the animal. This over-rides the Hostility Flaw. The range is 5x Willpower dice in feet.
The user may ask questions that can be answered by a yes or no of the animal, or request that the animal do something. The animal will answer all questions to the best of its ability. If the user makes a Willpower roll (Diff: 10), the animal will perform any service that will not threaten its own life or take longer than one day. The animal may be forced to do life threatening services with a Willpower roll (Diff: 20).
Unlike Animal Control, this Edge works with all normal animals. Also, the animal will perform a service beyond the range of actual communication. If Animal Empathy is used on an animal already under Animal Control, an opposing Willpower roll is required for control of the animal. This Edge has no effect upon Shapeshifted Characters.
Cost: 1-5D/0
+1-5D bonus vs. physical damage only, not flame or energy attacks (see Resistant below). The Character is supernaturally tough or difficult to harm normally. Sensitivity Flaws ignore Armor.
Aura Sight
Cost: 3D/1
The Edge to see auras, the “glow” that surrounds all things. It is especially useful for spotting other Characters, as their auras are different from those of normal humans. A successful active Search roll (Diff: 20) will allow the user to see a person’s aura, and determine race, sex, and general healthiness. A successful use of Aura Sight will also inform the user if the person being watched is lying.
If a person is being controlled by Mesmerize, Possession, or a spell, a successful active Search will determine which type of control is being used. The user will also be able to faintly see the Aura of the controlling character around the controlled person, even if the controlling character is not physically present.
Auras, like fingerprints, are unique to each person. If the user is trying to identify a person by their Aura, they must make a successful Know check (Diff: 20) to see if they remember enough detail to make a positive identification.
A successful active Search roll also allows the user to see Invisible Characters by means of their aura.
Normal humans sometimes gain this Edge as a result of near-death experiences, or as the result of intense feelings of alienation or depression.
Cost: 2D/1
The power of a Vampire to become a bat. Clothing and possessions carried “disappear” and are inaccessible until the return to normal form. In this form Str drops to 1D, other attributes remain normal. Mech and Tech skills will either not be useable in this form or extremely slow and difficult to use. Base movement is Flying 20 and Vampire gains a ++1D in Dodge and a Flying Skill at Agi +1D. Most skills (modified by Str loss or physical restrictions), Advantages, Disadvantages, Edges, and Flaws are in effect. The character cannot speak in this form and therefor cannot use the Mesmerize Edge.
It takes on full round to transform. If the character wishes to transform to another alternate form, such as Batform, he must return to human form first
Cost: 2D/1
The Character can appear indistinct to the naked eye or normal visual aids (binoculars, etc.). Commonly, a Character with this Edge will only be spotted out of the corner of the eye. This adds +10 difficulty to use any vision-based skills against the blurred Character.
Cost: 1-3D/0
The Character can add +2D per dice to his jumping attempts with no upper limit.
Cause Madness
Cost: 4D/2
This Edge will cause violent psychosis in a victim. The user must make a successful Brawling attack to touch the victim. Both will make opposed Willpower rolls: if the victim loses he will rant, rave, and attack everyone in sight. The madness will add +1D to their Str Damage, making them very dangerous. The user does not control the victim’s actions.
The victim may attempt to overcome the madness every 24 hours by rerolling Willpower vs. the users original roll.
Cost: 1-2D/1
Adds +1 or 2D to physical unarmed damage using brawling or martial arts. At 2D the claws are very large and hard to easily conceal without gloves, etc. The humanity cost is from popping the claws out to use, a decidedly inhuman act.
Cost: 4D/0
The Character is neither alive nor undead but a creation, assembled from machinery, metal, stone, organic parts, etc.
It does not require food, drink, or air. Drugs or poison of a non-mystical nature do not affect it. It cannot procreate. Constructs do not heal but must be repaired with the appropriate skill (Tech for mechanical, Artist for sculpting stone, Medicine for organic, etc.) The time of repairs is one hour per 5 BP damage.
It can heal independently if the Character takes the Regeneration Edge.
A construct will fall dormant once it reaches 0 BP. It is utterly destroyed and in pieces when it reaches a negative BP equal to its normal BP total (example: a 40 BP construct will be destroyed at -40.) They can sometimes be rebuilt from the destroyed parts but their personality is almost always irretrievably lost.
Cost: 1-3D/0
The Character has an supernaturally flexible bone structure and/or musculature that allow them to wrench and twist themselves out of shape. The Character can dislocate joints at will to simulate trauma, navigate narrow passages, or escape from bonds. The Character gets a +2D per dice on any skill use that includes the use of this Edge, at the GM's discretion.
Cost: 1-3D
The Character can project a field of darkness around himself, adding +5 per dice to the difficulty of any sight-based skill totals. The field extends in a half-sphere around the Character with a radius equal to 5 meters per dice. The field can be maintained for a maximum of one minute per dice before dispersing.
Cost: 1-3D/1
The character can reduce his physical density to virtually zero for one minute per dice. During that time, his is immune to physical attacks and his resistance score against energy attacks is +2D per dice. A dispersed character can pass through solid objects, providing they do not contain wards or other spells of protection designed to repel passage of this nature. While intangible, the character cannot carry anything alone except clothing or other apparel, nor can he attempt to pick up any object or make any physical attack. It takes a full round for a character to become intangible or solid, during which he can do nothing else. The character must spend at least one minute solid before attempting intangibility again.
Cost: 4D/Special
This Edge allows the Character to drain Body Points from his target. The player must specify in what manner the Character drains the BP's (biting the neck, firm grasp, hypnosis, etc.) and what he is draining (blood, youth, life energy, etc.) When the Character wishes to employ Drain, he makes a Brawling attack. For every 10 points of success, the Character drains 1d6 BP from the victim.
If wounded, and has fulfilled his daily Craving (see flaws), the user may add one BP to his total for each Body Point drained, but cannot go over his normal maximum BP.
Electrical Battery
Cost: 1-3D/1
The Character has the Edge to store up electrical charges in their body and discharge them by touch. The voltage is significant enough to charge a battery though this takes several hours.. For every 1D the Character spends on the Edge they can issue 3D stun-only damage or alter the flow to do 1D of normal damage. The Character can use this Edge at will.
Cost: 2D/1
This Edge allows the user to read the emotional state of a person. Upon making a successful Search (Diff: 20) check, the user may determine if a person is happy, sad, angry, afraid, calm, nervous, devious, malicious, friendly, predatory, uncaring, etc. Empathy can also determine if a person is lying or telling the truth.
Cost: 1-3D/2
The Character can, at will, provoke fear in those who can see or hear him. He gains a +2D per dice to all Intimidation totals and combat defense difficulties against those so affected.
Cost: 3D/3
The charter is able to fly at twice their normal move rate. The Character uses the Flying skill, roughly identical to the Running skill. Flying by the use of wings and such does not affect the cost directly, but will give the Character an Appearance Flaw that will offset part or all of the cost. The Speed Edge will affect the flying move rate.
Cost: 1D/1
The Character is able to slow their bodily functions and survive for months or even years in a state of hibernation with no food and limited air. If the race is compelled to hibernate under certain conditions, usually cold weather, then this is considered a Flaw worth 1D or more - but the GM should always enforce this Flaw if they grant the Character any pips for it.
Cost: 4D/0
The Character can heal from death at their normal rate. When WP reach 0 or negative, they will be unable to act until their WP is healed to a positive number, and will for all intents and purposes be dead. One method MUST be chosen for permanent death, such as decapitation, fire, etc.
Cost: 3D/2
The Character can either 'cloud minds' or refract light in some fashion, rendering them invisible to normal vision. Other Characters have a +20 difficulty to use any vision-based skills against the invisible Character. Detecting the Character by voice or sound is usually difficult as well.
Cost: 2D/1
A somewhat less powerful version of Flight. A Levitating character may float in midair, move up or down, back and forth, up to a distance equal to their normal non-running movement. This is the maximum movement with this power.
Locate Human
Cost: 2D/1
The character uses this Edge to form a psychic “tracer” to a human being. For the original trace the range is line of sight. Once established the range is Search dice (drop any pips) x10 in miles to locate
Once this tracer is established, the user will always be able to determine the direction and distance to the human that is being traced, as long as that human stays within range.
If the tracer is placed on a human that the user has previously Drained and left alive, the Edge functions automatically up to its maximum range. If the trace is to be placed on a human that the user has not Drained, then Search check (Diff: 20) must be made to see if the tracer takes hold. Tracers on humans that have not been Drained may degenerate with time. If the user is trying to trace such a human, and it has been longer than 24 hours since that human was last traced, another Search roll is required to reacquire the trace.
The user may maintain tracers on a number of humans equal to the Search dice (drop any pips) x 3.
Cost: 1D
The Character has an extra prehensile limb that they may use to perform tasks. The cost is for each extra limb, not sets of two.
This could also be used for a prehensile tail. They gain the Appearance Flaw with this Edge.
Cost: 3D/1
The Character has the Edge to mesmerize a target, controlling their minds. The user must be within normal conversation distance to use this Edge.
It may be caused by pheromones, eldritch power, etc. The source of the Edge must be determined when the Edge is taken.
The Edge opposed Willpower checks modified by standard interaction difficulties for each command given.
A failed attempt to mesmerize will give the target a +5 bonus to resist further suggestions from that Character.
If another Character spends an action attempting to restore the Character's conscious control, then the target is allowed to reroll their Will and compare it to the user's original roll to see if they can break free.
Mist Form
Cost: 3D/1
The power of a Vampire to become mist and pass through any porous material, crack, or hole. Clothing and possessions carried “disappear” and are inaccessible until the return to normal form. This is different from the Dispersal Edge, as the Vampire still has a material form, though altered.
While in Mist-form, the Vampire may not manipulate any material objects. All Flaws are still in effect, though weapons based on Sensitivity Flaws of the Vampire only do damage to the extent of the Sensitivity, with no damage for the weapon itself. Fire will do normal damage to a Vampire in Mist-Form.
The user may not use Edges based on a physical form to use such as Mesmerism (no eyes), Drain (no attack), Animal Control (no voice), etc.
Movement is x2 normal movement rate. The Mist may travel up, down, or laterally at the same speed. The Speed Edge will affect this movement.
Cost: 3D/1
Edge to telepathically contact the dead. The remains of the being to be contacted must be touched for the duration of the contact. A Willpower roll (Diff: 15) is required to initiate contact. This Roll is modified with a –1 penalty for every year the being to be contact has been dead.
Please note that the being contacted is under no compulsion to answer questions or tell the truth. Also, the duration of the contact is limited. Another Willpower roll is required to maintain contact after one minute, and for every minute following that.
Night Vision
Cost: 2D/0
The Character has the Edge to see in the absence of light. They suffer no modifiers from darkness, even total darkness.
Paralyzing Touch
Cost: 3D/1
The Character can freeze her target with the slightest touch.
When she makes a Brawling attack, she may, instead of doing damage, paralyze her Victim, who remains that way until he makes a successful Willpower roll against the Brawling skill total. He may attempt to do so once per round; the only other actions he may take are mental-based ones Edges that do not require movement. Note: Characters who are heavily covered will be harder to hit. The GM needs to decide how much skin is exposed and adjust the attack difficulty accordingly.
Cost: 2D/0
The Character does not suffer ill effects from injury such as wound penalties, does not take stun damage, and is immune to physical torture.
Cost: 3D/5
The Character can possess the body of a corpse or a living person. The Character must touch a target in order to possess. Possessing a corpse, a sleeping, or an unconscious victim is Easy action. Possessing an awake living being involves making opposed Willpower checks modified by standard interaction difficulties. Success means the target has been possessed.
The possessing Character gains her new form's physical attributes (Agility, Strength), retains her own mental attributes, and gains complete control over the new form. The user may allow the possessed being some freedom, but once possessed, the victim is totally under control until the user voluntarily leaves, or is exorcised.
The user may use the voice and mannerisms of the victim, but cannot use any of their own Edges. The user is still affected by their Flaws.
While possessing the victim, the user is protected by the victim’s body. Damage is absorbed by the victim’s body first, and is only applied to the user after the victim’s body reaches 0 BP. If the possessed body is vacated while below 0, the victim will die.
When possessing a victim, the user’s body, clothing, and other possessions fade into a spirit form, which enters the host body. Items thus carried will be inaccessible until the possession ends.
Ranged Attack
Cost: 1-3D/5
The Character has some sort of natural ranged weapon either of a physical or energy base.
The character uses the Throwing skill to attack with this Edge. Range of the attack for 1D is 10/20/30, 2D is 20/40/60, and 3D is 30/60/90, each range is in feet. The damage for the ranged attack is 2D per dice. The projection must have a visible effect (such as a fiery spray or bone spikes). If the attack is a Sensitivity of another Kin (such as Fire) the attack does extra damage based on the Flaw and ignores Armor dice.
Cost: 2D/1
The power of a Vampire to take the form of a rat. Clothing and possessions carried “disappear” and are inaccessible until the return to normal form. In this form Str drops to 1D, other attributes remain normal. Mech and Tech skills will either not be useable in this form or extremely slow and difficult to use. Base movement is 10 and the Vampire gains a +1D in Climbing, Dodge,and Stealth. Most Skills (modified by Str loss or physical restrictions), Advantages, Disadvantages, Edges, and Flaws are in effect. The character cannot speak in this form and therefor cannot use the Mesmerize Edge.
It takes on full round to transform. If the character wishes to transform to another alternate form, such as Batform, he must return to human form first
Reanimate Dead
Cost: 5D/5
The Edge to Reanimate a cadaver. The user may Reanimate a corpse that has been dead no longer than 3x his Willpower dice in days. The Reanimated creature is effectively a Zombie, though of limited “life.” A corpse Reanimated with this Edge will only stay animated for a number of days equal to 3x his Willpower dice (if not destroyed sooner). The Reanimated corpse will follow orders of up to ten words in length.
Cost: 1-3D/0
This is the Character's Edge to heal rapidly. The character heals 1 BP per dice per round unless damaged by a Sensitivity disadvantage. The character must heal normally form Sensitivity damage.
Cost: 1-3D/0/0
+1-3D bonus vs. energy damage only, not physical attacks (see Armor above).
Cost: 1-3D/0
The senses are heightened to abnormal levels giving a bonus of +2D per dice and apply to all skills related to the sense involved.
Cost: 1-3D
The Character can move in complete silence. He gains +2D per dice to all Stealth checks and a +1D per dice when attacking from behind.
Cost: 1D-3D/1
Each dice adds +10 to base move and ads +1Dice to the initiative dice. Like Claws, Speed must be activated and the cost is per each use of the ability.
Cost: 1-3D/1
The Edge to manipulate material objects with the power of the mind alone. The range of this power is 20 feet per Edge dice. The user may lift 30 pounds per Edge dice and cause any object lifted to move in any direction, as long as the object remains within range. This requires a Willpower roll (Diff:10). Multiple objects may be lifted and moved at the same time, but cannot exceed the maximum weight allowed.
Telekinesis may be used to perform more complex manipulation, such as opening a door, turning on an appliance, or operating machinery with a successful Willpower roll (Diff: base 10 + penalty assigned by GM.)
If Telekinesis is used to throw objects at a person, or to drop objects on a person, a successful Willpower roll (Diff: 10 or target’s Dodge as in a normal ranged attack. Cover modifiers apply) is needed to hit the target, and Damage Inflicted will be equal to 2D per Edge dice.
Telekinesis will only work on inanimate objects, not on animals, humans, or Characters.
Cost: 2D/1
The Edge to communicate mentally with another person. The communication may be in words, images, or feelings. The range on this Edge is line of sight for most contacts, and 3x the Willpower dice in miles if the person the character wants to communicate with knows that the character may be attempting to contact them at that time.
Cost: 1-3D/3
The Character can move instantly to another place up to 30 feet per dice away. The Character must be able to see her destination clearly. In combat, this action takes an entire round. The Character may take whatever she can carry along.
Cost: 4D/0
The character is one of the more powerful undead and difficult to kill. Most are free-willed such as Vampires, Liches, etc.
The Character does not need food, drink, or air. Drugs or poison of a nonmystical nature do not affect them. They cannot normally procreate. When reduced to 0 BP they will fall dormant, remaining so until sunset of the next evening. They will rise with 1 BP and begin to heal normally. The undead do not age and have at least one specific way of permanent destruction (GM's discretion on what it is.)
Undead, Minor
Cost: 2D/0
The character is a lesser undead, weaker and much easier to destroy. They are often, but not always, nearly mindless or of animal intellect. Examples include ghouls, skeletons, zombies, etc .
The Character does not need food, drink, or air. Drugs or poison of a nonmystical nature do not affect them. They cannot normally procreate. When reduced to 0 BP they are destroyed.
Wall Crawl
Cost: 1D/1
The Character can stick to surfaces and walk on walls or ceilings. Movement Rate is normal. Strength checks are used to remain on slippery surfaces or if the Character is being forcibly removed.
Water Breathing
Cost: 1D/0
The Character has the Edge to breathe underwater for unlimited amounts of time. If the Character can NOT breathe air then this becomes a Flaw worth 2D.
Weather Control
Cost: 1-3D/1
The user can affect weather in their vicinity. Each use requires a Willpower check with the Difficulty listed by each power use. The area of effect for this Edge is a rough circle with a diameter equal to 30 x the Edge dice in yards. This circle is centered on the user. Some aspects of this Edge are as follows:
* Cause a rise/drop in temperature equal to the 10x Edge Dice in degrees Fahrenheit. (Diff: 15)
* Cause fog from the ground to 10 feet above it. Fog may be light or dense, as preferred. (Diff: 20)
* Cause a downpour of rain with attendant cloud cover. (Diff: 20)
* Cause Damaging Weather (hail, sleet, harsh winds). All creatures in the area of effect (including the user) sustain damage equal to 1D per Edge Dice unless under cover or shelter. (Diff: 25)
* Call Lightning to strike one person. The target may be anywhere within the area of effect, but must be in plain sight. Damage is equal to 2D per Edge Dice. (Diff: 30)
Wolf Form
Cost: 3D/2
The power of a Vampire to take the form of a wolf. Clothing and possessions carried “disappear” and are inaccessible until the return to normal form. All Attributes remains the same. Mech and Tech skills will either not be useable in this form or extremely slow and difficult to use. Base movement is 15. The vampire in this form gains a Bite attack doing Str Dmg +1D.
Most Skills, Advantages, Disadvantages, Edges, and Flaws are in effect. The character cannot speak in this form and therefor cannot use the Mesmerize Edge.
It takes on full round to transform. If the character wishes to transform to another alternate form, such as Batform, he must return to human form first.
3.0 Flaws
Value: 2D or 4D
The Character has some unusual, often unique traits that make them easy to identify. The value for this Flaw varies based on the type of appearance. Please note - this Flaw can only be taken once. It is for the Character's entire appearance.
Normal human scars, tattoos, moles, birthmarks, piercing, shaving, hairstyles, and such do not count to this Flaw.
At 2D these can be disguised with a generous application of make-up, perfumes, sunglasses, large hats, or overcoats. These include such things as a clearly undead pallor, rotting features, devil tails, non-retractable claws, small horns, odd skin colors and textures, glowing eyes, massive burn scars, etc.
At 4D. These cannot be so easily disguised. These include things such as covered in fur, cloven hooves, huge talons, reptilian appearance, robotic appearance, a snake or fish tail in the place of legs, a hand growing out of the Character's face, a crescent shaped head, a severed head trailing entrails, etc.
Value: 4D
The Character must obey commands that are given in conjunction with the proper Magic Rituals.
A Command may be resisted if the Character wins an opposed roll vs. the Magician's relevant Magic Skill.
Value: 3D
The Character has an attraction to some objects or action that is hard to ignore such as counting spilled seeds, untying knots,
Whenever the source of the Compulsion is nearby, or the Character wishes to act inconsistent with the Compulsion, the Character must make a Willpower roll (Diff: 20) or be compelled to act on their compulsion.
Value: 1-3D
The Character requires something other than food or drinks for sustenance and will suffer without it. The craving can be blood, rotted meat, fresh human, grave dirt, fresh bones, etc. It must be something unpleasant and that you would not normally be able to buy at the nearest grocery store. If the craving is for blood, flesh, etc. 20 BP's must be consumed to fulfill the craving. If it is grave dirt, rotten meat, etc. two pounds must be consumed.
Failure to feed the required amount inflicts 2d6 BP damage every 24 hours after the feeding deadline. Characters will either die or go dormant if unloving (Undead, Constructs, Immortals, etc.) Once the Character has been given the required amount of sustenance he will revive at his normal healing (or regeneration) rate.
At 1D the Character must feed only once per week. At 2D the craving must be fulfilled every other day. At 3D the craving is nightly.
Value: 3D
The Character's supernatural nature is felt by animals or people (choose one, may take Flaw twice to gain both).
If the Hostility is from animals, they will shy away, growl at, or may even attack the Character if scared or too near him. If the Hostility is from humans, they will take an instant dislike to the Character, even if they do not understand why, instinctively fearing and distrusting him. Charm, Con, and Persuasion have a +10 penalty to the Difficulty involving those affected by Hostility. However Intimidation attempts are at -10 bonus to the Difficulty. This also includes using Charm or Intimidation in combat attacks and defense.
Value: 2D or 4D
This Flaw is most common for corporeal Undead and Lycanthropes.
The Character must choose a natural attack type: bite, claw, Drain Edge, etc. This is the Infecting attack and may change a Victim into a supernatural creature like the Character.
At 2D, If the target is reduced to 0 BP by the attack the Victim must roll a Stamina check vs. the Character’s Stamina. Failure by the Victim means they are infected and will become a creature like the Character. They will rise in three days at sunset as a supernatural.
At 4D, the target need only be wounded by the Infecting attack. If they fail the Stamina contest they begin to change and will become a supernatural creature. The Victim will finish their transformation on the rising of the first night of the full moon on the month after infection.
Infection only infects humans. Animals and other supernatural creatures are immune to the effects of Infection.
Value: 1or 3D
The Character is a werewolf or other were-creature, a half-human half-beast cursed to change into a ravening beast on the three nights of the full moon. The change takes one full minute and is painful. During the full moon the beast is a ravening berserker out of control and attacking any person or beast it comes across until its hunger is satisfied.
If 1D is taken, the lycanthrope can control the change and is in control of his actions on any night save those of the full moon. This change cannot be had in daylight, only at night.
If 3D is chosen, the Character only changes on the three nights of the full moon and is not in control of himself.
If the lycanthrope has control of the change, he gains +2D to Str and +1D to all other physical attributes. He retains all mental attributes and all skills (adjusted for the new Attributes) of his human form.
During the night of the full moon, his physical stats are boosted as normal, but all of the lycanthrope’s mental stats are reduced by 2D to a minimum of 1D. His non-technical skills (such as Hiding, Intimidation, Search, Survival, Tracking, etc.) are boosted by +2D from normal levels. He is a bloodthirsty animal, with nearly all traces of humanity erased.
Miscellaneous Flaw
Value: 1-4D
Anything not covered herein. Examples include a Vampire needing to sleep on a bed of earth each night, etc. Use the existing Flaws as guidelines for mechanics of the new flaw and for the Value of the Flaw.
Value: 2D
The Character does not have a reflection nor can he be recorded with any visual or audio device. This can be very inconvenient in the modern age.
Value: 2D or 4D
The Character is repelled by a certain substance or item such as silver, holy items, fire, etc.
If 2D is taken a person who is seeking its protection must present the repulsion source and oppose the Character in a Willpower test. If the presenter wins the Character cannot come within ten feet of the object. If the Character wins he will not like the item but can ignore it.
If 4D is taken the Character is bothered by the source and must pass a Willpower test (Diff: 20) to go within ten feet of the item. If he is presented with the source, he must make BOTH a Willpower test for the source and an opposed test with the presenter to approach. Failure on either test causes the Character to flee the presented source until it is out of his sight.
Value: 1-3D
The Character suffers in some way from with a substance or item such as silver, fire, holy items, running water, etc.
Damage done is 2D per dice taken. This is unopposed and is taken straight off of BP's IGNORING the Armor Edge. Only body armors, magic, etc. act to oppose this. Normal clothing does not count.
Damage done by a Sensitivity cannot be Regenerated. It must be healed normally or with the Drain Edge.
Weapons coated with a Sensitivity (such as a silvered sword) do the normal Str Dmg + weapon damage plus the Sensitivity dice.
Value: 3D
The Character must keep their word once it has been given. Attempts to break the Vow result in the loss of 2d6 BP per day until the Character agrees to resume fulfilling the Vow. BP's are then healed (or regenerated) normally.
Dracula, Lord of Vampires
Agi 4D
Str 6D
Kno 4D
Per 4D
Mech 2D
Tech 1D
Fate Points: 2
Character Points: 5
Str Dmg: 4D
Move: 30
BP: 40
Bureaucracy 5d, Brawling 8d, Climb/Jump 8d, Command 6d, Con 8d, Cultures 6d, Dodge 6d, Intimidation 8d, Language (English) 5d, Language (French) 5d, Language (German) 5d, Language (Hungarian) d5, Language (Latin) 5d, Lifting 8d, Melee 6d, Missile 5d, Persuasion 8d, Riding, 5d, Running 5d, Search 5d, Sneak 5d, Tactics 6d, Willpower 10d
Contacts (II) vampire thralls and human minions, Wealth (III).
Enemy (III) vampire hunters, Quincy Harker’s group, etc., Quirk (III) arrogant, Quirk (III) vengeful.
Animal Control (3D each, range 1 mile, Bats 3d6 swarm, Rats 3d6 swarm, Wolves 3d6), Armor (+4D physical defense), Batform (2D), Claws (+1D Str Dmg), Drain (4D, blood), Mesmerize (3D), Mistform (3D), Night vision (2D), Ratform (2D), Regeneration (3D, heal 3BP per round), Speed (+20 move, +2D initiative), Undead (4D, beheading to kill), Wall Crawl (1D), Weather Control (3D), Wolf form (3D)
Craving (3D, blood, nightly), Infection (2D, target must be drained to 0 BP), Miscellaneous (2D, paralyzed by wooden stake through the heart), Miscellaneous (2D, cannot enter an occupied home or living space without invitation), Miscellaneous (4D, must sleep on bed of it’s grave dirt, coffin, etc. or lose 2d6 BP per night), Reflection (2D), Repulsion (4D, holy items, garlic), Repulsion (2D, mirrors), Sensitivity (2D each, 4d dmg: holy items, silver, sunlight, running water), Sensitivity (1D, 2d dmg, garlic).
Wealth, fine clothes and cape, various coffins with grave soil.
(converted and reconstituted from Night Life and Into the Shadows)
1.0 Beginning Characters:
7 Free Edge Dice to purchase Edges.
Up to four may be used as extra attribute dice.
Characters may take as many Flaws as they desire.
Flaw Dice are most commonly used to gain more Edge dice, but Extra Flaw Dice (if you have more total Flaw Dice than Edge Dice) may be used for Skills or Advantages.
Advantages and Disadvantages: By the book. Limited to realistic, not fantastic. GM approval.
Special Abilities: Use Edges and Flaws below.
Magic: By the book or any system the GM feels like using.
2.0 Edges
Supernatural characters have powers referred to as Edges and weaknesses referred to as Flaws. New characters will begin with 7 dice to spend on these edges, modified by the number of Flaws taken. See above.
Beginning characters will only have a fraction of their possible powers, but can acquire new Edges and refine previously acquired Edges by with Character Points earned during play and used to advance the Edges as a skill would be advanced, up to the Maximum dice allowed per Edge.
In Night Life games, each use of the Edge costs Humanity points. Worse, even if the character fails their attempt to use the Edge, those points (for using the Edge) are deducted from their Humanity, because the conscious attempt to use such Edges is harmful to the character’s view of their connection to Humanity.
If you are not running a Night Life game, or don’t want to deal with Humanity, simply ignore it.
The dice cost of Edges are listed and followed by the Humanity cost to use the Edge.
Example: Cost: 3D/1
Alter Form
Cost: 3D/1
The Edge to alter one's appearance or clothing by willing it to occur. The user may assume the appearance of a human ranging from the size of a small child to that of a large adult (3' - 7' tall). The user may duplicate the appearance of a known person or create a totally new appearance. This does not cause Attributes to change. The appearance, not the substance, is changed. Please note that this Edge affects appearance only, not voice or mannerisms. To copy these, the user would need to employ the Charm, Con, or Persuasion skill.
This Edge will allow the user to alter clothing already worn, or produce clothing on the body. If the clothing is removed from contact with the user's body, it reverts to its previous appearance or disappears, as the case may be.
Once appearance has been Altered, it will remain stable with no effort on the part of the user. Normal appearance will be restored when the user desires, or if the user is knocked unconscious.
Animal Control
Cost: 1-3D/1
Only one type of animal is chosen: wolves, dogs, bats, rats, crows, etc. For more than one type, separate Animal Control abilities must be bought for each. The number of animals (or swarms for bats, rats, etc.) summoned is equal to 1d6 per dice. The range is one mile per dice and there must be animals in the range to be summoned. This Edge summons animals, NOT creates them.
It will take at least 2d6 rounds for animals to arrive unless they are on the scene. Animals controlled can follow only basic one or two word commands, the limits of which are the GM's discretion.
Animal Empathy
Cost: 3D/2
This is the Edge to communicate with one animal via a direct mind link. Any animal thus contacted will be friendly to the user, and will not attack people the user designates as friends unless they first attack the animal. This over-rides the Hostility Flaw. The range is 5x Willpower dice in feet.
The user may ask questions that can be answered by a yes or no of the animal, or request that the animal do something. The animal will answer all questions to the best of its ability. If the user makes a Willpower roll (Diff: 10), the animal will perform any service that will not threaten its own life or take longer than one day. The animal may be forced to do life threatening services with a Willpower roll (Diff: 20).
Unlike Animal Control, this Edge works with all normal animals. Also, the animal will perform a service beyond the range of actual communication. If Animal Empathy is used on an animal already under Animal Control, an opposing Willpower roll is required for control of the animal. This Edge has no effect upon Shapeshifted Characters.
Cost: 1-5D/0
+1-5D bonus vs. physical damage only, not flame or energy attacks (see Resistant below). The Character is supernaturally tough or difficult to harm normally. Sensitivity Flaws ignore Armor.
Aura Sight
Cost: 3D/1
The Edge to see auras, the “glow” that surrounds all things. It is especially useful for spotting other Characters, as their auras are different from those of normal humans. A successful active Search roll (Diff: 20) will allow the user to see a person’s aura, and determine race, sex, and general healthiness. A successful use of Aura Sight will also inform the user if the person being watched is lying.
If a person is being controlled by Mesmerize, Possession, or a spell, a successful active Search will determine which type of control is being used. The user will also be able to faintly see the Aura of the controlling character around the controlled person, even if the controlling character is not physically present.
Auras, like fingerprints, are unique to each person. If the user is trying to identify a person by their Aura, they must make a successful Know check (Diff: 20) to see if they remember enough detail to make a positive identification.
A successful active Search roll also allows the user to see Invisible Characters by means of their aura.
Normal humans sometimes gain this Edge as a result of near-death experiences, or as the result of intense feelings of alienation or depression.
Cost: 2D/1
The power of a Vampire to become a bat. Clothing and possessions carried “disappear” and are inaccessible until the return to normal form. In this form Str drops to 1D, other attributes remain normal. Mech and Tech skills will either not be useable in this form or extremely slow and difficult to use. Base movement is Flying 20 and Vampire gains a ++1D in Dodge and a Flying Skill at Agi +1D. Most skills (modified by Str loss or physical restrictions), Advantages, Disadvantages, Edges, and Flaws are in effect. The character cannot speak in this form and therefor cannot use the Mesmerize Edge.
It takes on full round to transform. If the character wishes to transform to another alternate form, such as Batform, he must return to human form first
Cost: 2D/1
The Character can appear indistinct to the naked eye or normal visual aids (binoculars, etc.). Commonly, a Character with this Edge will only be spotted out of the corner of the eye. This adds +10 difficulty to use any vision-based skills against the blurred Character.
Cost: 1-3D/0
The Character can add +2D per dice to his jumping attempts with no upper limit.
Cause Madness
Cost: 4D/2
This Edge will cause violent psychosis in a victim. The user must make a successful Brawling attack to touch the victim. Both will make opposed Willpower rolls: if the victim loses he will rant, rave, and attack everyone in sight. The madness will add +1D to their Str Damage, making them very dangerous. The user does not control the victim’s actions.
The victim may attempt to overcome the madness every 24 hours by rerolling Willpower vs. the users original roll.
Cost: 1-2D/1
Adds +1 or 2D to physical unarmed damage using brawling or martial arts. At 2D the claws are very large and hard to easily conceal without gloves, etc. The humanity cost is from popping the claws out to use, a decidedly inhuman act.
Cost: 4D/0
The Character is neither alive nor undead but a creation, assembled from machinery, metal, stone, organic parts, etc.
It does not require food, drink, or air. Drugs or poison of a non-mystical nature do not affect it. It cannot procreate. Constructs do not heal but must be repaired with the appropriate skill (Tech for mechanical, Artist for sculpting stone, Medicine for organic, etc.) The time of repairs is one hour per 5 BP damage.
It can heal independently if the Character takes the Regeneration Edge.
A construct will fall dormant once it reaches 0 BP. It is utterly destroyed and in pieces when it reaches a negative BP equal to its normal BP total (example: a 40 BP construct will be destroyed at -40.) They can sometimes be rebuilt from the destroyed parts but their personality is almost always irretrievably lost.
Cost: 1-3D/0
The Character has an supernaturally flexible bone structure and/or musculature that allow them to wrench and twist themselves out of shape. The Character can dislocate joints at will to simulate trauma, navigate narrow passages, or escape from bonds. The Character gets a +2D per dice on any skill use that includes the use of this Edge, at the GM's discretion.
Cost: 1-3D
The Character can project a field of darkness around himself, adding +5 per dice to the difficulty of any sight-based skill totals. The field extends in a half-sphere around the Character with a radius equal to 5 meters per dice. The field can be maintained for a maximum of one minute per dice before dispersing.
Cost: 1-3D/1
The character can reduce his physical density to virtually zero for one minute per dice. During that time, his is immune to physical attacks and his resistance score against energy attacks is +2D per dice. A dispersed character can pass through solid objects, providing they do not contain wards or other spells of protection designed to repel passage of this nature. While intangible, the character cannot carry anything alone except clothing or other apparel, nor can he attempt to pick up any object or make any physical attack. It takes a full round for a character to become intangible or solid, during which he can do nothing else. The character must spend at least one minute solid before attempting intangibility again.
Cost: 4D/Special
This Edge allows the Character to drain Body Points from his target. The player must specify in what manner the Character drains the BP's (biting the neck, firm grasp, hypnosis, etc.) and what he is draining (blood, youth, life energy, etc.) When the Character wishes to employ Drain, he makes a Brawling attack. For every 10 points of success, the Character drains 1d6 BP from the victim.
If wounded, and has fulfilled his daily Craving (see flaws), the user may add one BP to his total for each Body Point drained, but cannot go over his normal maximum BP.
Electrical Battery
Cost: 1-3D/1
The Character has the Edge to store up electrical charges in their body and discharge them by touch. The voltage is significant enough to charge a battery though this takes several hours.. For every 1D the Character spends on the Edge they can issue 3D stun-only damage or alter the flow to do 1D of normal damage. The Character can use this Edge at will.
Cost: 2D/1
This Edge allows the user to read the emotional state of a person. Upon making a successful Search (Diff: 20) check, the user may determine if a person is happy, sad, angry, afraid, calm, nervous, devious, malicious, friendly, predatory, uncaring, etc. Empathy can also determine if a person is lying or telling the truth.
Cost: 1-3D/2
The Character can, at will, provoke fear in those who can see or hear him. He gains a +2D per dice to all Intimidation totals and combat defense difficulties against those so affected.
Cost: 3D/3
The charter is able to fly at twice their normal move rate. The Character uses the Flying skill, roughly identical to the Running skill. Flying by the use of wings and such does not affect the cost directly, but will give the Character an Appearance Flaw that will offset part or all of the cost. The Speed Edge will affect the flying move rate.
Cost: 1D/1
The Character is able to slow their bodily functions and survive for months or even years in a state of hibernation with no food and limited air. If the race is compelled to hibernate under certain conditions, usually cold weather, then this is considered a Flaw worth 1D or more - but the GM should always enforce this Flaw if they grant the Character any pips for it.
Cost: 4D/0
The Character can heal from death at their normal rate. When WP reach 0 or negative, they will be unable to act until their WP is healed to a positive number, and will for all intents and purposes be dead. One method MUST be chosen for permanent death, such as decapitation, fire, etc.
Cost: 3D/2
The Character can either 'cloud minds' or refract light in some fashion, rendering them invisible to normal vision. Other Characters have a +20 difficulty to use any vision-based skills against the invisible Character. Detecting the Character by voice or sound is usually difficult as well.
Cost: 2D/1
A somewhat less powerful version of Flight. A Levitating character may float in midair, move up or down, back and forth, up to a distance equal to their normal non-running movement. This is the maximum movement with this power.
Locate Human
Cost: 2D/1
The character uses this Edge to form a psychic “tracer” to a human being. For the original trace the range is line of sight. Once established the range is Search dice (drop any pips) x10 in miles to locate
Once this tracer is established, the user will always be able to determine the direction and distance to the human that is being traced, as long as that human stays within range.
If the tracer is placed on a human that the user has previously Drained and left alive, the Edge functions automatically up to its maximum range. If the trace is to be placed on a human that the user has not Drained, then Search check (Diff: 20) must be made to see if the tracer takes hold. Tracers on humans that have not been Drained may degenerate with time. If the user is trying to trace such a human, and it has been longer than 24 hours since that human was last traced, another Search roll is required to reacquire the trace.
The user may maintain tracers on a number of humans equal to the Search dice (drop any pips) x 3.
Cost: 1D
The Character has an extra prehensile limb that they may use to perform tasks. The cost is for each extra limb, not sets of two.
This could also be used for a prehensile tail. They gain the Appearance Flaw with this Edge.
Cost: 3D/1
The Character has the Edge to mesmerize a target, controlling their minds. The user must be within normal conversation distance to use this Edge.
It may be caused by pheromones, eldritch power, etc. The source of the Edge must be determined when the Edge is taken.
The Edge opposed Willpower checks modified by standard interaction difficulties for each command given.
A failed attempt to mesmerize will give the target a +5 bonus to resist further suggestions from that Character.
If another Character spends an action attempting to restore the Character's conscious control, then the target is allowed to reroll their Will and compare it to the user's original roll to see if they can break free.
Mist Form
Cost: 3D/1
The power of a Vampire to become mist and pass through any porous material, crack, or hole. Clothing and possessions carried “disappear” and are inaccessible until the return to normal form. This is different from the Dispersal Edge, as the Vampire still has a material form, though altered.
While in Mist-form, the Vampire may not manipulate any material objects. All Flaws are still in effect, though weapons based on Sensitivity Flaws of the Vampire only do damage to the extent of the Sensitivity, with no damage for the weapon itself. Fire will do normal damage to a Vampire in Mist-Form.
The user may not use Edges based on a physical form to use such as Mesmerism (no eyes), Drain (no attack), Animal Control (no voice), etc.
Movement is x2 normal movement rate. The Mist may travel up, down, or laterally at the same speed. The Speed Edge will affect this movement.
Cost: 3D/1
Edge to telepathically contact the dead. The remains of the being to be contacted must be touched for the duration of the contact. A Willpower roll (Diff: 15) is required to initiate contact. This Roll is modified with a –1 penalty for every year the being to be contact has been dead.
Please note that the being contacted is under no compulsion to answer questions or tell the truth. Also, the duration of the contact is limited. Another Willpower roll is required to maintain contact after one minute, and for every minute following that.
Night Vision
Cost: 2D/0
The Character has the Edge to see in the absence of light. They suffer no modifiers from darkness, even total darkness.
Paralyzing Touch
Cost: 3D/1
The Character can freeze her target with the slightest touch.
When she makes a Brawling attack, she may, instead of doing damage, paralyze her Victim, who remains that way until he makes a successful Willpower roll against the Brawling skill total. He may attempt to do so once per round; the only other actions he may take are mental-based ones Edges that do not require movement. Note: Characters who are heavily covered will be harder to hit. The GM needs to decide how much skin is exposed and adjust the attack difficulty accordingly.
Cost: 2D/0
The Character does not suffer ill effects from injury such as wound penalties, does not take stun damage, and is immune to physical torture.
Cost: 3D/5
The Character can possess the body of a corpse or a living person. The Character must touch a target in order to possess. Possessing a corpse, a sleeping, or an unconscious victim is Easy action. Possessing an awake living being involves making opposed Willpower checks modified by standard interaction difficulties. Success means the target has been possessed.
The possessing Character gains her new form's physical attributes (Agility, Strength), retains her own mental attributes, and gains complete control over the new form. The user may allow the possessed being some freedom, but once possessed, the victim is totally under control until the user voluntarily leaves, or is exorcised.
The user may use the voice and mannerisms of the victim, but cannot use any of their own Edges. The user is still affected by their Flaws.
While possessing the victim, the user is protected by the victim’s body. Damage is absorbed by the victim’s body first, and is only applied to the user after the victim’s body reaches 0 BP. If the possessed body is vacated while below 0, the victim will die.
When possessing a victim, the user’s body, clothing, and other possessions fade into a spirit form, which enters the host body. Items thus carried will be inaccessible until the possession ends.
Ranged Attack
Cost: 1-3D/5
The Character has some sort of natural ranged weapon either of a physical or energy base.
The character uses the Throwing skill to attack with this Edge. Range of the attack for 1D is 10/20/30, 2D is 20/40/60, and 3D is 30/60/90, each range is in feet. The damage for the ranged attack is 2D per dice. The projection must have a visible effect (such as a fiery spray or bone spikes). If the attack is a Sensitivity of another Kin (such as Fire) the attack does extra damage based on the Flaw and ignores Armor dice.
Cost: 2D/1
The power of a Vampire to take the form of a rat. Clothing and possessions carried “disappear” and are inaccessible until the return to normal form. In this form Str drops to 1D, other attributes remain normal. Mech and Tech skills will either not be useable in this form or extremely slow and difficult to use. Base movement is 10 and the Vampire gains a +1D in Climbing, Dodge,and Stealth. Most Skills (modified by Str loss or physical restrictions), Advantages, Disadvantages, Edges, and Flaws are in effect. The character cannot speak in this form and therefor cannot use the Mesmerize Edge.
It takes on full round to transform. If the character wishes to transform to another alternate form, such as Batform, he must return to human form first
Reanimate Dead
Cost: 5D/5
The Edge to Reanimate a cadaver. The user may Reanimate a corpse that has been dead no longer than 3x his Willpower dice in days. The Reanimated creature is effectively a Zombie, though of limited “life.” A corpse Reanimated with this Edge will only stay animated for a number of days equal to 3x his Willpower dice (if not destroyed sooner). The Reanimated corpse will follow orders of up to ten words in length.
Cost: 1-3D/0
This is the Character's Edge to heal rapidly. The character heals 1 BP per dice per round unless damaged by a Sensitivity disadvantage. The character must heal normally form Sensitivity damage.
Cost: 1-3D/0/0
+1-3D bonus vs. energy damage only, not physical attacks (see Armor above).
Cost: 1-3D/0
The senses are heightened to abnormal levels giving a bonus of +2D per dice and apply to all skills related to the sense involved.
Cost: 1-3D
The Character can move in complete silence. He gains +2D per dice to all Stealth checks and a +1D per dice when attacking from behind.
Cost: 1D-3D/1
Each dice adds +10 to base move and ads +1Dice to the initiative dice. Like Claws, Speed must be activated and the cost is per each use of the ability.
Cost: 1-3D/1
The Edge to manipulate material objects with the power of the mind alone. The range of this power is 20 feet per Edge dice. The user may lift 30 pounds per Edge dice and cause any object lifted to move in any direction, as long as the object remains within range. This requires a Willpower roll (Diff:10). Multiple objects may be lifted and moved at the same time, but cannot exceed the maximum weight allowed.
Telekinesis may be used to perform more complex manipulation, such as opening a door, turning on an appliance, or operating machinery with a successful Willpower roll (Diff: base 10 + penalty assigned by GM.)
If Telekinesis is used to throw objects at a person, or to drop objects on a person, a successful Willpower roll (Diff: 10 or target’s Dodge as in a normal ranged attack. Cover modifiers apply) is needed to hit the target, and Damage Inflicted will be equal to 2D per Edge dice.
Telekinesis will only work on inanimate objects, not on animals, humans, or Characters.
Cost: 2D/1
The Edge to communicate mentally with another person. The communication may be in words, images, or feelings. The range on this Edge is line of sight for most contacts, and 3x the Willpower dice in miles if the person the character wants to communicate with knows that the character may be attempting to contact them at that time.
Cost: 1-3D/3
The Character can move instantly to another place up to 30 feet per dice away. The Character must be able to see her destination clearly. In combat, this action takes an entire round. The Character may take whatever she can carry along.
Cost: 4D/0
The character is one of the more powerful undead and difficult to kill. Most are free-willed such as Vampires, Liches, etc.
The Character does not need food, drink, or air. Drugs or poison of a nonmystical nature do not affect them. They cannot normally procreate. When reduced to 0 BP they will fall dormant, remaining so until sunset of the next evening. They will rise with 1 BP and begin to heal normally. The undead do not age and have at least one specific way of permanent destruction (GM's discretion on what it is.)
Undead, Minor
Cost: 2D/0
The character is a lesser undead, weaker and much easier to destroy. They are often, but not always, nearly mindless or of animal intellect. Examples include ghouls, skeletons, zombies, etc .
The Character does not need food, drink, or air. Drugs or poison of a nonmystical nature do not affect them. They cannot normally procreate. When reduced to 0 BP they are destroyed.
Wall Crawl
Cost: 1D/1
The Character can stick to surfaces and walk on walls or ceilings. Movement Rate is normal. Strength checks are used to remain on slippery surfaces or if the Character is being forcibly removed.
Water Breathing
Cost: 1D/0
The Character has the Edge to breathe underwater for unlimited amounts of time. If the Character can NOT breathe air then this becomes a Flaw worth 2D.
Weather Control
Cost: 1-3D/1
The user can affect weather in their vicinity. Each use requires a Willpower check with the Difficulty listed by each power use. The area of effect for this Edge is a rough circle with a diameter equal to 30 x the Edge dice in yards. This circle is centered on the user. Some aspects of this Edge are as follows:
* Cause a rise/drop in temperature equal to the 10x Edge Dice in degrees Fahrenheit. (Diff: 15)
* Cause fog from the ground to 10 feet above it. Fog may be light or dense, as preferred. (Diff: 20)
* Cause a downpour of rain with attendant cloud cover. (Diff: 20)
* Cause Damaging Weather (hail, sleet, harsh winds). All creatures in the area of effect (including the user) sustain damage equal to 1D per Edge Dice unless under cover or shelter. (Diff: 25)
* Call Lightning to strike one person. The target may be anywhere within the area of effect, but must be in plain sight. Damage is equal to 2D per Edge Dice. (Diff: 30)
Wolf Form
Cost: 3D/2
The power of a Vampire to take the form of a wolf. Clothing and possessions carried “disappear” and are inaccessible until the return to normal form. All Attributes remains the same. Mech and Tech skills will either not be useable in this form or extremely slow and difficult to use. Base movement is 15. The vampire in this form gains a Bite attack doing Str Dmg +1D.
Most Skills, Advantages, Disadvantages, Edges, and Flaws are in effect. The character cannot speak in this form and therefor cannot use the Mesmerize Edge.
It takes on full round to transform. If the character wishes to transform to another alternate form, such as Batform, he must return to human form first.
3.0 Flaws
Value: 2D or 4D
The Character has some unusual, often unique traits that make them easy to identify. The value for this Flaw varies based on the type of appearance. Please note - this Flaw can only be taken once. It is for the Character's entire appearance.
Normal human scars, tattoos, moles, birthmarks, piercing, shaving, hairstyles, and such do not count to this Flaw.
At 2D these can be disguised with a generous application of make-up, perfumes, sunglasses, large hats, or overcoats. These include such things as a clearly undead pallor, rotting features, devil tails, non-retractable claws, small horns, odd skin colors and textures, glowing eyes, massive burn scars, etc.
At 4D. These cannot be so easily disguised. These include things such as covered in fur, cloven hooves, huge talons, reptilian appearance, robotic appearance, a snake or fish tail in the place of legs, a hand growing out of the Character's face, a crescent shaped head, a severed head trailing entrails, etc.
Value: 4D
The Character must obey commands that are given in conjunction with the proper Magic Rituals.
A Command may be resisted if the Character wins an opposed roll vs. the Magician's relevant Magic Skill.
Value: 3D
The Character has an attraction to some objects or action that is hard to ignore such as counting spilled seeds, untying knots,
Whenever the source of the Compulsion is nearby, or the Character wishes to act inconsistent with the Compulsion, the Character must make a Willpower roll (Diff: 20) or be compelled to act on their compulsion.
Value: 1-3D
The Character requires something other than food or drinks for sustenance and will suffer without it. The craving can be blood, rotted meat, fresh human, grave dirt, fresh bones, etc. It must be something unpleasant and that you would not normally be able to buy at the nearest grocery store. If the craving is for blood, flesh, etc. 20 BP's must be consumed to fulfill the craving. If it is grave dirt, rotten meat, etc. two pounds must be consumed.
Failure to feed the required amount inflicts 2d6 BP damage every 24 hours after the feeding deadline. Characters will either die or go dormant if unloving (Undead, Constructs, Immortals, etc.) Once the Character has been given the required amount of sustenance he will revive at his normal healing (or regeneration) rate.
At 1D the Character must feed only once per week. At 2D the craving must be fulfilled every other day. At 3D the craving is nightly.
Value: 3D
The Character's supernatural nature is felt by animals or people (choose one, may take Flaw twice to gain both).
If the Hostility is from animals, they will shy away, growl at, or may even attack the Character if scared or too near him. If the Hostility is from humans, they will take an instant dislike to the Character, even if they do not understand why, instinctively fearing and distrusting him. Charm, Con, and Persuasion have a +10 penalty to the Difficulty involving those affected by Hostility. However Intimidation attempts are at -10 bonus to the Difficulty. This also includes using Charm or Intimidation in combat attacks and defense.
Value: 2D or 4D
This Flaw is most common for corporeal Undead and Lycanthropes.
The Character must choose a natural attack type: bite, claw, Drain Edge, etc. This is the Infecting attack and may change a Victim into a supernatural creature like the Character.
At 2D, If the target is reduced to 0 BP by the attack the Victim must roll a Stamina check vs. the Character’s Stamina. Failure by the Victim means they are infected and will become a creature like the Character. They will rise in three days at sunset as a supernatural.
At 4D, the target need only be wounded by the Infecting attack. If they fail the Stamina contest they begin to change and will become a supernatural creature. The Victim will finish their transformation on the rising of the first night of the full moon on the month after infection.
Infection only infects humans. Animals and other supernatural creatures are immune to the effects of Infection.
Value: 1or 3D
The Character is a werewolf or other were-creature, a half-human half-beast cursed to change into a ravening beast on the three nights of the full moon. The change takes one full minute and is painful. During the full moon the beast is a ravening berserker out of control and attacking any person or beast it comes across until its hunger is satisfied.
If 1D is taken, the lycanthrope can control the change and is in control of his actions on any night save those of the full moon. This change cannot be had in daylight, only at night.
If 3D is chosen, the Character only changes on the three nights of the full moon and is not in control of himself.
If the lycanthrope has control of the change, he gains +2D to Str and +1D to all other physical attributes. He retains all mental attributes and all skills (adjusted for the new Attributes) of his human form.
During the night of the full moon, his physical stats are boosted as normal, but all of the lycanthrope’s mental stats are reduced by 2D to a minimum of 1D. His non-technical skills (such as Hiding, Intimidation, Search, Survival, Tracking, etc.) are boosted by +2D from normal levels. He is a bloodthirsty animal, with nearly all traces of humanity erased.
Miscellaneous Flaw
Value: 1-4D
Anything not covered herein. Examples include a Vampire needing to sleep on a bed of earth each night, etc. Use the existing Flaws as guidelines for mechanics of the new flaw and for the Value of the Flaw.
Value: 2D
The Character does not have a reflection nor can he be recorded with any visual or audio device. This can be very inconvenient in the modern age.
Value: 2D or 4D
The Character is repelled by a certain substance or item such as silver, holy items, fire, etc.
If 2D is taken a person who is seeking its protection must present the repulsion source and oppose the Character in a Willpower test. If the presenter wins the Character cannot come within ten feet of the object. If the Character wins he will not like the item but can ignore it.
If 4D is taken the Character is bothered by the source and must pass a Willpower test (Diff: 20) to go within ten feet of the item. If he is presented with the source, he must make BOTH a Willpower test for the source and an opposed test with the presenter to approach. Failure on either test causes the Character to flee the presented source until it is out of his sight.
Value: 1-3D
The Character suffers in some way from with a substance or item such as silver, fire, holy items, running water, etc.
Damage done is 2D per dice taken. This is unopposed and is taken straight off of BP's IGNORING the Armor Edge. Only body armors, magic, etc. act to oppose this. Normal clothing does not count.
Damage done by a Sensitivity cannot be Regenerated. It must be healed normally or with the Drain Edge.
Weapons coated with a Sensitivity (such as a silvered sword) do the normal Str Dmg + weapon damage plus the Sensitivity dice.
Value: 3D
The Character must keep their word once it has been given. Attempts to break the Vow result in the loss of 2d6 BP per day until the Character agrees to resume fulfilling the Vow. BP's are then healed (or regenerated) normally.
Dracula, Lord of Vampires
Agi 4D
Str 6D
Kno 4D
Per 4D
Mech 2D
Tech 1D
Fate Points: 2
Character Points: 5
Str Dmg: 4D
Move: 30
BP: 40
Bureaucracy 5d, Brawling 8d, Climb/Jump 8d, Command 6d, Con 8d, Cultures 6d, Dodge 6d, Intimidation 8d, Language (English) 5d, Language (French) 5d, Language (German) 5d, Language (Hungarian) d5, Language (Latin) 5d, Lifting 8d, Melee 6d, Missile 5d, Persuasion 8d, Riding, 5d, Running 5d, Search 5d, Sneak 5d, Tactics 6d, Willpower 10d
Contacts (II) vampire thralls and human minions, Wealth (III).
Enemy (III) vampire hunters, Quincy Harker’s group, etc., Quirk (III) arrogant, Quirk (III) vengeful.
Animal Control (3D each, range 1 mile, Bats 3d6 swarm, Rats 3d6 swarm, Wolves 3d6), Armor (+4D physical defense), Batform (2D), Claws (+1D Str Dmg), Drain (4D, blood), Mesmerize (3D), Mistform (3D), Night vision (2D), Ratform (2D), Regeneration (3D, heal 3BP per round), Speed (+20 move, +2D initiative), Undead (4D, beheading to kill), Wall Crawl (1D), Weather Control (3D), Wolf form (3D)
Craving (3D, blood, nightly), Infection (2D, target must be drained to 0 BP), Miscellaneous (2D, paralyzed by wooden stake through the heart), Miscellaneous (2D, cannot enter an occupied home or living space without invitation), Miscellaneous (4D, must sleep on bed of it’s grave dirt, coffin, etc. or lose 2d6 BP per night), Reflection (2D), Repulsion (4D, holy items, garlic), Repulsion (2D, mirrors), Sensitivity (2D each, 4d dmg: holy items, silver, sunlight, running water), Sensitivity (1D, 2d dmg, garlic).
Wealth, fine clothes and cape, various coffins with grave soil.
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