Much like my redone fantasy classes there has been a bit more play testing and revision for my Western games rules, primarily class revisions of certain abilities and the inclusion of the Detective and Pugilist classes.
The original post can be found here.
The Spaghetti Western vs The Traditional Western
The game can be run one of two way: the Clint Eastwood, Italian Spaghetti Westerns which were focused on style and violence or the traditional John Wayne, Randolph Scott westerns which were grounded in more 'realism' and fun action. This last category also includes TV shows such as Bonanza, Wanted Dead or Alive, the Rifleman, etc.
Spaghetti Western heroes are almost superhuman in their abilities to fast draw, shoot accurately, and take damage and survive. Traditional Westerns are often more focused on character than combat, although that is an integral part of the genre. Traditional Western characters are closer to real life folk in their skills and durability. To reflect this I implement the following:
Rolling Attributes
Pick your favorite method.
Attribute Bonuses/Penalties
Either the standard Swords & Wizardry +1 or Labyrinth Lord’s +1 to +3.
For Traditional: I prefer the S&W method.
For Spaghetti's: I prefer the latter as it gives a wider range to class special abilities and to Fast Draw.
Levels and Class
Character level is the total of all Class levels the character has. The Character level is the basis for attack bonus, saving throws, and experience leveling.
Class levels track each classes level (if multi-classed, see below) and is used for gaining and increasing class abilities.
I am making this distinction for ease of reference if the characters multi-class.
The Character Level advances as the Fighter class.
Maximum total classes: 3
To first gain a new Class the character must gain enough experience points to reach a new Character level. Once this happens he gains a level of the new desired class. The total levels in both classes are added to find his over-all Character level and, again, experience is tracked based on the Character level not individual Class levels.
For example: A 4th level Character has Gunslinger-2 and Cowboy-1 for Class levels. He will be a 5th level Character at 16,000 exp and continue with Gunslinger or Cowboy or begin a new Class. And so on.
There is no restriction on which class he must level in, he can raise either as long as he gains the proper exp to gain a new total character level.
Surprise modifiers and armor class bonuses granted by classes do not stack. Neither do +1 attack bonuses granted by class (such as a Gunslinger's +1 with firearms and a Lawman's +1 with firearms.)
Maximum total classes: 3
To first gain a new Class the character must gain enough experience points to reach a new Character level. Once this happens he gains a level of the new desired class. The total levels in both classes are added to find his over-all Character level and, again, experience is tracked based on the Character level not individual Class levels.
For example: A 4th level Character has Gunslinger-2 and Cowboy-1 for Class levels. He will be a 5th level Character at 16,000 exp and continue with Gunslinger or Cowboy or begin a new Class. And so on.
There is no restriction on which class he must level in, he can raise either as long as he gains the proper exp to gain a new total character level.
Surprise modifiers and armor class bonuses granted by classes do not stack. Neither do +1 attack bonuses granted by class (such as a Gunslinger's +1 with firearms and a Lawman's +1 with firearms.)
12 or 20 based on Campaign type.
For more Traditional games the characters are limited to level 12. They are still competent but do not reach the more pulpish or cinematic characters of a Spaghetti Westerns level 20 game. In Traditional Westerns even the best heroes are rarely beyond level 5 or 6 in skill. Higher levels than this should be ultra-rare, perhaps the best in the West.
Hit Points
Maximum hp at first level.
OPTION: For grittier Western games, especially a very Traditional or historical based game, you can even limit the characters' hp's to a maximum of 5 levels.
Hit bonus, Saving Throws, etc all continue past level 5, but the characters hp are maxxed out at 5.
+1 to hit per two levels (round up.)
As Fighter, based on Character level.
Armor Class
Normal Armor class, and modifiers are used.
Firearms ignore armor at different ranges. See firearms section below.
Starting Money
Characters begin with 3d6 x $20 as first level characters. Characters starting off at higher levels receive an amount of beginning money equal to 3d6 + the characters level x $40 or whatever their DM feels is appropriate to the game.
Class Ability Formula
Traditional: 11+1/2 level+Ability Score Bonus.
Spaghetti: 10+1/2 level+Ability Score Bonus.
Using non-class abilities:
For normal everyday things such as Riding, Climbing etc:
Attribute check.
If there is a class ability (such as a Cowboy's riding) and it involves an attribute check plus a class modifier use this one.
For Abilities such as Open Locks, Pick Pocket, etc use the following:
5 + Ability Modifier, DM will add or subtract modifiers for ease/difficulty of task.
If the class ability involves a formulated check use this one.
Character Classes
Cowboy (Cowpoke, Singing Cowboy, Gaucho, Cavalry, etc.)
Hit Die Type 1d8, After reaching 10 hit dice, the Cowboy gains only 2 hit point per level
Armor Permitted: Any
Weapons Permitted: Any
Prime Attribute (5% experience bonus): Con 13+
A Dexterity check to guide his animal. This includes situations such as staying mounted while the horse is bucking or upset, calming and controlling the horse, guide it with his knees so the rider can shoot or rope, etc.
The Cowboy gets to add a +1 bonus to Riding Dexterity checks at first level and at later levels.
Traditional: 3, 6, 9, and 12
Spaghetti: 5, 10, 15, and 20
In addition, the Cowboy can do the following:
Use his Dex bonus to increase his mount's AC.
With a successful check, the Cowboy can drop along the side of the horse for cover, gaining a +4 cover bonus to his AC.
With a successful check the Cowboy can fall from a horse and take half damage (see Riding in Rules Clarifications: Miscellaneous.)
With a successful check the Cowboy can coax the horse to leap obstacles and the Cowboy
can hang on while the animal is performing the maneuver.
The Cowboy receives a +2 bonus with the lariat (ranged attack).
Being proficient with arms is a necessity on the trail. With snakes, coyotes, bandits, and rustlers you have to learn to defend yourself.
The Cowboy receives a +1 to hit with firearms.
Riding the range toughens a man. +2 to Saving Throws vs disease and poison.
Detective (Pinkertons, Reporters, Lawyers, Private Investigators, etc.)
Hit Die Type 1d6 per level up to 9th, +1 hp at 10+.
Armor Permitted: Any
Weapons Permitted: Any
Prime Attribute (5% xp bonus) Int 13+
The Detective can use this ability to observe a person for a single round and then make a conclusion as to that persons age, character level, nationality, recent activities, etc based on the Detective's experience and training.
Traditional: 11+1/2 level +Int bonus.
Spaghetti: 10+1/2 level+Int bonus.
With a successful Charisma check the Detective may ask one favor of a contact such as a county coroner to view a body, a lawman to talk to a prisoner, etc. The favor will be things not generaly available to the average citizen. The contact will not endanger himself or his employment and may negotiate a payment or favor in return if the request by the Detective is difficult or unpleasant.
The Detective recieves a bonus to the Charisma check at higher levels:
Traditional: 3, 6, 9, and 12
Spaghetti: 5, 10, 15, and 20
He may call upon these contacts twice per adventure at first level. He may add an extra time
for each bonus to his Charisma check due to higher levels.
The Detective, after reviewing clues, interviewing witnesses, visiting crime scenes, etc can make a Deduction check.
Traditional: 11+1/2 level+Int bonus.
Spaghetti: 10+1/2 level+Int bonus.
If successful the Detective may ask the DM a single yes or no question which the DM must answer honestly. The Detective can do this once per adventure at 1st level and can ask more questions at higher levels.
Traditional: 3, 6, 9, and 12
Spaghetti: 5, 10, 15, and 20
The Detective has a keen eye for details in the world around him. When actively looking for clues or other hidden objects he has a 1-2 on a 1d6 of finding them. These could be hidden bloodstains, footprints, hidden doors, hearing noise, etc. This ability increases by +1 at levels 4, 8, and 12. The DM can modify this for difficulty.
Gambler (Gambler, Con-Man, Thief, etc.)
Hit Die Type 1d6, After reaching 10 hit dice, the Gambler gains only 1 hit point per level
Armor Permitted: Leather or lighter.
Weapons Permitted: Any
Prime Attribute (5% xp bonus) Int 13+
When attacking with surprise, from behind, the Gambler gains +4 to hit and inflicts double damage. At levels 5-8, damage is tripled, and from a Gambler above level 8 such an attack inflicts quadruple damage.
Fast Talk
With a bit of conversation, the Gambler is able to attempt to befriend, persuade, charm, or outright con an individual to his way of thinking. After 2d6 minutes of cajoling, flattering, drinking, etc. the victim of the Fast Talk must make a Saving Throw. This Saving Throw has a cumulative -1 as the Gambler gains higher levels.
Traditional: 3, 6, 9, and 12
Spaghetti: 5, 10, 15, and 20
A gambler, a card sharp and sometimes a cheat, supplementing his living by the cards, dice, and his wits. At 1st level and at 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, etc the Gambler gains a cumulative +1 bonus to his gambling checks.
Hear Noise
The Gambler has honed his senses to work better in the dark. His chance to hear noise is 3 in 6 at first level increasing to 4 in 6 at 3rd level, 5 in 6 at 7th level, and 6 in 6 at 10th level.
To use this ability he must stop all activity and concentrate.
Open Locks
Gamblers are skilled at picking locks, opening safes, etc. Some are difficult and may require a penalty to the open roll.
Traditional: 11+1/2 level+Dex bonus.
Spaghetti: 10+1/2 level+Dex bonus.
Good tools may grant a small bonus just as inferior tools may incur a small penalty.
Pick Pocket
The Gambler is often called upon to manipulate small objects, such as a card, coin, derringer, or small knife in his line of work, as well as picking the occasional pocket.
Traditional: 11+1/2 level+Dex bonus.
Spaghetti: 10+1/2 level+Dex bonus.
If the Gambler fails his roll the victim has a 1-2 in 6 chance of detecting the manipulation, pick pocket attempt, etc. A Dex bonus will drop the chance to 1 in 6.
If the Gambler rolls a natural 20, he has been spotted by his victim or victims if he is picking a pocket, cheating, etc.
Gunslinger (Gunman, Bounty Hunter, etc)
Hit Die Type 1d8, After reaching 10 hit dice, the Gunslinger gains only 2 hit point per level
Armor Permitted: Any
Weapons Permitted: Any
Prime Attribute (5% xp bonus) Dex 13+
Fast Draw
The Gunslinger does not receive a -2 penalty to attack for drawing a weapon and attacking in the same round. He does receive the -3 penalty but it is reduced due to the Fast Draw bonuses.
See Fast Draw/Drawing a Weapon in the Firearms section below.
See Fast Draw/Drawing a Weapon in the Firearms section below.
The Gunslinger gains a cumulative +1 bonus to Fast Draw initiative at first level and later levels as follows:
Traditional: 3, 6, 9, and 12
Spaghetti: 5, 10, 15, and 20
The usually high Gunslinger Dex and the Gunslinger’s Fast Draw bonus will still beat many foes who are already armed and ready, even at half the normal value.
If group initiative is used, the Gunslinger still rolls for individual initiative (1d6+Dex Bonus.)
The bread and butter of the Gunslinger. He receives a +1 to hit with firearms.
He gains bonuses with firearms as he advances in level.
Level One:
Reduce penalties from multi-shot penalties (single action, double action, fanning hammer, etc - see rate of fire below) by one point.
One extra shot (a total of four) when fanning the hammer (see below.)
Level Four:
Two-Gun Mojo, only a -2 to primary hand /-2 to off-hand instead of the usual (-2/-4)penalty when shooting with two firearms.
Level Eight:
Reduce penalties from multi-shot penalties by two points.
Level Twelve:
One extra shot with all handheld firearms/maneuvers.
The bread and butter of the Gunslinger. He receives a +1 to hit with firearms.
He gains bonuses with firearms as he advances in level.
Level One:
Reduce penalties from multi-shot penalties (single action, double action, fanning hammer, etc - see rate of fire below) by one point.
One extra shot (a total of four) when fanning the hammer (see below.)
Level Four:
Two-Gun Mojo, only a -2 to primary hand /-2 to off-hand instead of the usual (-2/-4)penalty when shooting with two firearms.
Level Eight:
Reduce penalties from multi-shot penalties by two points.
Level Twelve:
One extra shot with all handheld firearms/maneuvers.
Steely Gaze
At 1st level, the Gunslinger can intimidate a number of creatures with HD equal to his level.
The creatures must be able to see the Gunslinger’s stare to be affected. The creatures are allowed a Saving Throw to avoid this effect. Those that fail suffer a –2 to all attacks on the Gunslinger. Most will flee; only the most determined will stay and fight.
This ability can be used once per day per 2 levels rounded up.
Lawman (Sheriff, Texas Ranger, Pinkerton, etc.)
Hit Die Type 1d8, After reaching 10 hit dice, the Lawman gains only 2 hit point per level
Armor Permitted: Any
Weapons Permitted: An
Prime Attribute (5% xp bonus) Cha 13+
The Lawman has authority and can use it. He can arrest anyone who has committed a crime or who he suspects of committing a crime and hold them for trial. Once per day per 2 levels, he can attempt to use his authority to intimidate one person. If the victim fails a Saving Throw, he will obey the order given by the Lawman, be it drop his gun, come with the Lawman, etc. The target will never do anything irrational, such as shooting himself or his friends.
The Saving Throw is made with a cumulative penalty of 1 at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, etc.
The Saving Throw is made with a cumulative penalty of 1 at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, etc.
The Lawman can deputize and pay a posse. The number of deputies is limited to the characters Charisma score plus half of his level (round up), and it is recommended that most are first level characters. None will be of a higher level than the Lawman. The posse will stay with the Lawman for a number of days equal to 1d3 days plus his Charisma bonus. They will be loyal up to a point: nobody is going to stick for very long with a man who is making poor decisions and probably leading them to their death.
Through both informants and official channels, the Lawman is often in the know on important information, both locally and territorial. Such pertinent information may include who a famous gunman may be, who started a feud with who, or if the mysterious stranger who just rode in town is wanted. He can attempt this with an Intelligence check with a bonus at higher levels.
Traditional: 3, 6, 9, and 12
Spaghetti: 5, 10, 15, and 20
Lawmen have to be able to defend themselves and their citizens.
He receives a +1 to hit with firearms.
Pugilist (Boxer, Brawler, Martial Artist, etc.)
Hit Die Type 1d8, After reaching 10 hit dice, the Pugilist gains only 2 hit points per level
Armor: The Pugilist only gains his AC bonus and Combo ability if in leather or lighter.
Weapons Permitted: Any
Prime Attribute (5% xp bonus) Dex 13+
Fisticuffs (Unarmed Combat)
The Pugilist hits harder and more often with his natural weapons and can defend against Melee/Unarmed attacks better than most other characters.
He gains a +1 to hit with Unarmed Attacks and receives the following bonuses while in Melee/Unarmed Combat.
Brass Knuckles:
Pugilists can use with their unarmed damage bonuses to hit, AC, two attacks, etc. They treat the brass knuckle damage as one damage dice higher than their unarmed damage, minimum of 1d4/maximum of 1d12. Therefore at level four the Pugilist's damage with brass knuckles is 1d6.
The Pugilist can attack with two unarmed attacks around at no penalty. This ability can only be used if he is only doing two unarmed attacks. It cannot be mixed with a melee or ranged attack. Use normal two-weapon rules for those situations.
Once per day per two levels the Pugilist can fire off a haymaker/power kick/etc.
The attack is made at a -2 penalty to hit. If successful the damage is x2, x3 if a natural 20 is rolled.
Second Wind
If the Pugilist takes a full round to rest he can regain 1d4 hit points. He must do no other action in this round but rest. He cannot defend himself. His AC is 10 + light armor modifier; he receives no Dex or Fisticuffs bonus. At first level he can use this ability once per day. He can use it more frequently at higher levels.
Traditional: 3, 6, 9, and 12
Spaghetti: 5, 10, 15, and 20
Stick and Move
By sacrificing half of his normal encounter movement a Pugilist can stick and move with an opponent who tries a fighting withdrawal. As long as the Pugiist has so far only moved his half movement in the round he will stay withing 5' of with his opponent.
Stick and Move
By sacrificing half of his normal encounter movement a Pugilist can stick and move with an opponent who tries a fighting withdrawal. As long as the Pugiist has so far only moved his half movement in the round he will stay withing 5' of with his opponent.
Scout (Army Scout, Mountain Man, Tracker, etc.)
Hit Die Type 1d6+1, After reaching 10 hit dice, the Scout gains only 1 hit point per level
Prime Attribute (5% xp bonus) Dex 13+
One of the most important abilities of the Scout is his sharp senses. The ability to detect
danger is one of the key abilities of the and can make the difference between life and death.
-1 to be surprised.
The Scout, once he has found his target, is adept at attacking from surprise to kill the prey.
+4 to attack. x2 damage. x3 damage at levels 5-8. x4 damage at 9th level.
This also includes ranged attacks until the target(s) are aware they are being fired upon.
Adds +4 to climbing (Str) checks. If in armor heavier than leather the bonus is negated.
The Scout's base movement is 135'/45'.
Being proficient with arms is a necessity on the trail. With snakes, coyotes, bandits, and rustlers you have to learn to defend yourself.
The Scout receives a +1 to hit with firearms.
In natural settings the Explorer can Move Silently and Conceal himself from detection. If in armor heavier than leather the chance is at -4. In non-natural settings (cities, crypts, etc) the base chance is divided by two (rounded up.)
Traditional: 11+1/2 level+Dex bonus.
Spaghetti: 10+1/2 level+Dex bonus.
The ability to live off of the land and survive, this check is rolled in addition to normal foraging rolls. The DM may modify this check for plentiful or exceptionally harsh terrain. This also includes the ability to to Track with penalties and bonuses for mud, snow, dry ground, etc at the discretion of the DM. Traditional: 11+1/2 level+Int bonus.
Spaghetti: 10+1/2 level+Int bonus.
One of the most important abilities of the Scout is his sharp senses. The ability to detect
danger is one of the key abilities of the and can make the difference between life and death.
-1 to be surprised.
The Scout, once he has found his target, is adept at attacking from surprise to kill the prey.
+4 to attack. x2 damage. x3 damage at levels 5-8. x4 damage at 9th level.
This also includes ranged attacks until the target(s) are aware they are being fired upon.
Adds +4 to climbing (Str) checks. If in armor heavier than leather the bonus is negated.
The Scout's base movement is 135'/45'.
Being proficient with arms is a necessity on the trail. With snakes, coyotes, bandits, and rustlers you have to learn to defend yourself.
The Scout receives a +1 to hit with firearms.
In natural settings the Explorer can Move Silently and Conceal himself from detection. If in armor heavier than leather the chance is at -4. In non-natural settings (cities, crypts, etc) the base chance is divided by two (rounded up.)
Traditional: 11+1/2 level+Dex bonus.
Spaghetti: 10+1/2 level+Dex bonus.
The ability to live off of the land and survive, this check is rolled in addition to normal foraging rolls. The DM may modify this check for plentiful or exceptionally harsh terrain. This also includes the ability to to Track with penalties and bonuses for mud, snow, dry ground, etc at the discretion of the DM. Traditional: 11+1/2 level+Int bonus.
Spaghetti: 10+1/2 level+Int bonus.
Soldier (Military, Fighter, Brave, etc.)
Hit Die Type 1d8, After reaching 10 hit dice, the Soldier gains only 2 hit points per level
Prime Attribute (5% xp bonus) Str 13+
Cover Up
The Soldier is better at avoiding damaging due to dodging, blocking, parrying, etc.
+1 to AC.
Gains a +1 to attack with all weapons including unarmed.
Follow Through
At level 3 the Soldier can make an additional melee attack if the first attack is a hit. The extra attack can be against the same opponent or against another foe if the new target is within five feet of the Soldier. He can attempt a third attack at level 12. If an attack misses follow through ends, any remaining attacks are lost.
Cover Up
The Soldier is better at avoiding damaging due to dodging, blocking, parrying, etc.
+1 to AC.
Gains a +1 to attack with all weapons including unarmed.
Follow Through
At level 3 the Soldier can make an additional melee attack if the first attack is a hit. The extra attack can be against the same opponent or against another foe if the new target is within five feet of the Soldier. He can attempt a third attack at level 12. If an attack misses follow through ends, any remaining attacks are lost.
The firearm categories have been kept as generic as possible. Unless the weapon is a gimmick, it does not matter what make or model it is. Only that it is a lethal weapon in the hands of the hero. For game purposes we are only concerned with initiative, rate of fire, range, damage, type of ammunition for reloading times, and how many bullets/charges the firearm holds.
Normal combat initiative is 1d6 + Dex bonus. The Gunslinger’s Fast Draw bonus only applies to Fast Draw initiative.
Fast Draw Initiative/Drawing a Weapon
A character can draw a weapon and use it in the same round but with a penalty of -3 to the initiative roll and a -2 to the attack roll. This can be further modified by equipment bonus or penalty and character ability such as the Gunfighter fast draw ability.
Example: A character has a +1 Dex bonus and is using a pocket pistol for an additional +1. He rolls a 5 on his initiative -3 for pulling a weapon in the same round +2 for bonuses for a total of 4 on initiative.
The usually high Gunslinger Dex and the Gunslinger’s Fast Draw bonus will still beat many foes who are already armed and ready, even at half the normal value.
Fast Draw Initiative: Equipment Modifiers
These bonuses/penalties only apply when Fast Drawing a weapon, not normal initiative.
Derringer, Navy Pistol, Pocket Pistol +1
Heavy Pistol, Carbine, Sawed Shotgun, Coach Gun -1
Heavy Carbine, Rifles, Shotguns -2
Short Barrel +1 Fast Draw Initiative, extra –1 to range penalties
Long Barrel -1 to Fast Draw Initiative, increase range increment by fifty percent
Flap/Army Holster -1 to Fast Draw Initiative
Swivel Rig +1 Fast Draw Initiative, -1 to hit, must unhook to reload
Spring-sleeve Holster +1 to Fast Draw Initiative
Rate of Fire
Anyone can make one attack per round with no penalty.
Single Action Pistols
The shooter can make two attacks with a -3 penalty per shot.
Double Action Pistols
With a double-action pistol, the gunman cannot fan the hammer, but he can take two shots per round with a –2 per shot.
Fan the Hammer/Flick the Lever
Holding down on the trigger and fanning the hammer of a single-action revolver with your off hand or quickly flicking the lever and pulling the trigger of a lever-action carbine or rifle to fire rapidly.
3 attacks, -4 per attack.
Early automatic weapons fire at a slower rate and are mounted on tripods, walls, or vehicles due to size. They can attack up to four times per round with a penalty of -2 per attack. Each attack uses five rounds of ammunition. The sheer number of bullets fired adds a bonus dice to the weapons damage but it is difficult to control the weapon even with the tripod, etc. The trade-off for this is the opportunity for more attacks even at a penalty.
Aiming with Firearms
Take a round, gain a +2 bonus to one shot. This can be done for two straight rounds for a total bonus of +4.
Two Weapons
-2 penalty primary hand, -4 off hand. This is reduced with Point Blank fire (see Range below.)
You can use the multiple attack options with this. Example: firing two double action pistols twice.
-2 for each shot is added to the Two Weapon penalties for a total of -4 primary/-6 secondary with a total of four shots.
Firearms have five range increments, +1 to hit on the first, 0 penalty to the second, and suffer –1 penalty at third, -2 at fourth, and -3 at fifth.
Bows and throwing weapons have the standard range increments, +1, 0, -1.
Point Blank: Within 10' of a target (5' for derringers) the shooter gains a +4 bonus to hit.
The damage for firearms depends on which type of Western you are running.
For Traditional use the standard multi-polyhedron dice for non-open ended damage.
For Spaghetti's the damage uses d6's and is open-ended: if you roll a six on the dice, roll it again and add the dice. Do this until you don’t get anymore sixes.
The damage listed before the backslash is for Traditional, damage after is for Spaghetti.
Ammunition Type and Reloading
A cartridge weapon can be reloaded with three bullets per round. No other action except movement can be attempted while reloading. However, a shooter can, if desperate, reload one shell and attack with a –4 penalty for rushing the attack.
Cap and ball firearms require two rounds to load a single load, or one round to replace a cylinder. No other action except movement may be attempted when reloading. If you’re reloading pistol loads one at a time, you cannot move faster than a walk and still reload. Cylinders can be reloaded on the run,
Firearms which require a magazine (Gatling) take only one round to reload and ready. However a desperate shooter can hurry the reload and attack with a -4 penalty in addition to normal penalties for rushing the attack.
Firearms Vs Armor
Pistols and Longarms are effective vs armor at close range and reduce the effectiveness of the armor's AC bonus. This applies only to that portion of the character's Armor Class that comes from wearing armor and shields; Dexterity bonuses are unaffected as are cover bonuses. The penalty cannot make a character's Armor Class worse than if he was wearing no armor.
Pistols (this includes carbines, repeating rifles, etc that used pistol ammunition)
At the first range increment pistols ignore three points of armor, at second pistols ignore two points, at third pistols ignore one point. Beyond this no armor is ignored.
Longarms (this includes rifles, shotguns, etc that used rifle and heavy ammunition.)
At the first range increment longarms ignore five points of armor, at second longarms ignore three points, at third longarms two points, at fourth longarms ignore one point. Beyond this no armor is ignored.
For creatures, if the DM decides that their AC includes natural armor, the firearm would ignore it as well. If you're unsure of how much to ignore removing 2 points of creature AC is a good rule of thumb. Remove more if you feel you should.
Firearms Categories
Most pistols of the mid-to-late 1800’s are single-action revolvers. Double-actions exist, but are not as common and are more costly, not replacing the single-action until the end of the century. Most pistols hold six bullets, although some rare models, such as the LeMat revolver, held up to nine shots. Most of these non-six shooters suffered from delicate mechanical parts or odd caliber bullets which were difficult to find and purchase. Almost all revolvers during the Civil War are cap and ball, with the rare exception such as the LeMat and it’s hard to find ammo. Derringers were fairly common, multi-barreled small pocket pistols, easily hidden and often used as a means of last resort self defense.
Rifles and Carbines
Civil war rifles were almost universally cap and ball single shot rifles. When metallic cartridges became widely available many of the older rifles were modified to accept the new ammunition. Even when the old Civil War rifles were phased out military rifles were almost universally single shot breach loading firearms to conserve ammunition.
The first widely produced repeating rifles were Spencer and Henry rifles. Before these came about there was the rare cap and ball revolving rifle such as the 6 shot Colt Revolving Riifle. Eventually the Spencer and Henry Rifles gave way to the more reliable Winchesters and later models. Repeating rifles were most commonly lever action and chambered in pistol cartridges, often up to fifteen cartridges in a fully loaded rifle. Later models began to be chambered in larger rifle cartridges for big game use but at the cost of a reduced number of shells in the weapon.
The Buffalo rifle is a powerful weapon, often used to bring down large game such as bear, elk, and most famously, buffalo. The most common such rifle is the Sharps big single shot .50.
Carbines are essentially shortened rifles, usually chambered with pistol cartridges, and made for ease of use while in the saddle or on a wagon. During the Civil War, many were cap and ball models, with the occasional metallic cartridge carbine. Heavy carbines are chambered with rifle cartridges giving them more power but with a reduced amount of ammo in the weapon.
Most common shotguns were 16 gauge. Models are single barrel, double barrel, or the very rare 5 shot revolving shotgun (Colt.) In the late 1880’s lever action shotguns were introduced (5 shot) and in the 1890’s pump, or slide-action, shotguns first appeared (5 shots).
Coach guns were shorter barrel versions of the shotgun, named so because of their use on guards riding “shotgun” on stagecoaches. They are much easier to use on horseback than a regular shotgun, and most shotguns in the hands of gunmen, outlaws, and lawmen will be these shorter models.
Sawed off shotguns have their barrels cut extremely short, often with most of the stock removed, to form a lethal pistol sized shotgun.
Gatling Gun
The most famous repeat-fire weapon of the west. Capable of throwing out a tremendous amount of bullets, it was hand-crank operated, had multiple rotating barrels which facilitated cooling and synchronized the load-fire process, and had a top fed 50 shot magazine. After 1871 a 400 shot ammo drum was available.
The firearm categories have been kept as generic as possible. Unless the weapon is a gimmick, it does not matter what make or model it is. Only that it is a lethal weapon in the hands of the hero. For game purposes we are only concerned with initiative, rate of fire, range, damage, type of ammunition for reloading times, and how many bullets/charges the firearm holds.
Normal combat initiative is 1d6 + Dex bonus. The Gunslinger’s Fast Draw bonus only applies to Fast Draw initiative.
Fast Draw Initiative/Drawing a Weapon
A character can draw a weapon and use it in the same round but with a penalty of -3 to the initiative roll and a -2 to the attack roll. This can be further modified by equipment bonus or penalty and character ability such as the Gunfighter fast draw ability.
Example: A character has a +1 Dex bonus and is using a pocket pistol for an additional +1. He rolls a 5 on his initiative -3 for pulling a weapon in the same round +2 for bonuses for a total of 4 on initiative.
The usually high Gunslinger Dex and the Gunslinger’s Fast Draw bonus will still beat many foes who are already armed and ready, even at half the normal value.
Fast Draw Initiative: Equipment Modifiers
These bonuses/penalties only apply when Fast Drawing a weapon, not normal initiative.
Derringer, Navy Pistol, Pocket Pistol +1
Heavy Pistol, Carbine, Sawed Shotgun, Coach Gun -1
Heavy Carbine, Rifles, Shotguns -2
Short Barrel +1 Fast Draw Initiative, extra –1 to range penalties
Long Barrel -1 to Fast Draw Initiative, increase range increment by fifty percent
Flap/Army Holster -1 to Fast Draw Initiative
Swivel Rig +1 Fast Draw Initiative, -1 to hit, must unhook to reload
Spring-sleeve Holster +1 to Fast Draw Initiative
Rate of Fire
Anyone can make one attack per round with no penalty.
Single Action Pistols
The shooter can make two attacks with a -3 penalty per shot.
Double Action Pistols
With a double-action pistol, the gunman cannot fan the hammer, but he can take two shots per round with a –2 per shot.
Fan the Hammer/Flick the Lever
Holding down on the trigger and fanning the hammer of a single-action revolver with your off hand or quickly flicking the lever and pulling the trigger of a lever-action carbine or rifle to fire rapidly.
3 attacks, -4 per attack.
Early automatic weapons fire at a slower rate and are mounted on tripods, walls, or vehicles due to size. They can attack up to four times per round with a penalty of -2 per attack. Each attack uses five rounds of ammunition. The sheer number of bullets fired adds a bonus dice to the weapons damage but it is difficult to control the weapon even with the tripod, etc. The trade-off for this is the opportunity for more attacks even at a penalty.
Aiming with Firearms
Take a round, gain a +2 bonus to one shot. This can be done for two straight rounds for a total bonus of +4.
Two Weapons
-2 penalty primary hand, -4 off hand. This is reduced with Point Blank fire (see Range below.)
You can use the multiple attack options with this. Example: firing two double action pistols twice.
-2 for each shot is added to the Two Weapon penalties for a total of -4 primary/-6 secondary with a total of four shots.
Firearms have five range increments, +1 to hit on the first, 0 penalty to the second, and suffer –1 penalty at third, -2 at fourth, and -3 at fifth.
Bows and throwing weapons have the standard range increments, +1, 0, -1.
The damage for firearms depends on which type of Western you are running.
For Traditional use the standard multi-polyhedron dice for non-open ended damage.
For Spaghetti's the damage uses d6's and is open-ended: if you roll a six on the dice, roll it again and add the dice. Do this until you don’t get anymore sixes.
The damage listed before the backslash is for Traditional, damage after is for Spaghetti.
Ammunition Type and Reloading
A cartridge weapon can be reloaded with three bullets per round. No other action except movement can be attempted while reloading. However, a shooter can, if desperate, reload one shell and attack with a –4 penalty for rushing the attack.
Cap and ball firearms require two rounds to load a single load, or one round to replace a cylinder. No other action except movement may be attempted when reloading. If you’re reloading pistol loads one at a time, you cannot move faster than a walk and still reload. Cylinders can be reloaded on the run,
Firearms which require a magazine (Gatling) take only one round to reload and ready. However a desperate shooter can hurry the reload and attack with a -4 penalty in addition to normal penalties for rushing the attack.
Firearms Vs Armor
Pistols and Longarms are effective vs armor at close range and reduce the effectiveness of the armor's AC bonus. This applies only to that portion of the character's Armor Class that comes from wearing armor and shields; Dexterity bonuses are unaffected as are cover bonuses. The penalty cannot make a character's Armor Class worse than if he was wearing no armor.
Pistols (this includes carbines, repeating rifles, etc that used pistol ammunition)
At the first range increment pistols ignore three points of armor, at second pistols ignore two points, at third pistols ignore one point. Beyond this no armor is ignored.
Longarms (this includes rifles, shotguns, etc that used rifle and heavy ammunition.)
At the first range increment longarms ignore five points of armor, at second longarms ignore three points, at third longarms two points, at fourth longarms ignore one point. Beyond this no armor is ignored.
For creatures, if the DM decides that their AC includes natural armor, the firearm would ignore it as well. If you're unsure of how much to ignore removing 2 points of creature AC is a good rule of thumb. Remove more if you feel you should.
Firearms Categories
Most pistols of the mid-to-late 1800’s are single-action revolvers. Double-actions exist, but are not as common and are more costly, not replacing the single-action until the end of the century. Most pistols hold six bullets, although some rare models, such as the LeMat revolver, held up to nine shots. Most of these non-six shooters suffered from delicate mechanical parts or odd caliber bullets which were difficult to find and purchase. Almost all revolvers during the Civil War are cap and ball, with the rare exception such as the LeMat and it’s hard to find ammo. Derringers were fairly common, multi-barreled small pocket pistols, easily hidden and often used as a means of last resort self defense.
Rifles and Carbines
Civil war rifles were almost universally cap and ball single shot rifles. When metallic cartridges became widely available many of the older rifles were modified to accept the new ammunition. Even when the old Civil War rifles were phased out military rifles were almost universally single shot breach loading firearms to conserve ammunition.
The first widely produced repeating rifles were Spencer and Henry rifles. Before these came about there was the rare cap and ball revolving rifle such as the 6 shot Colt Revolving Riifle. Eventually the Spencer and Henry Rifles gave way to the more reliable Winchesters and later models. Repeating rifles were most commonly lever action and chambered in pistol cartridges, often up to fifteen cartridges in a fully loaded rifle. Later models began to be chambered in larger rifle cartridges for big game use but at the cost of a reduced number of shells in the weapon.
The Buffalo rifle is a powerful weapon, often used to bring down large game such as bear, elk, and most famously, buffalo. The most common such rifle is the Sharps big single shot .50.
Carbines are essentially shortened rifles, usually chambered with pistol cartridges, and made for ease of use while in the saddle or on a wagon. During the Civil War, many were cap and ball models, with the occasional metallic cartridge carbine. Heavy carbines are chambered with rifle cartridges giving them more power but with a reduced amount of ammo in the weapon.
Most common shotguns were 16 gauge. Models are single barrel, double barrel, or the very rare 5 shot revolving shotgun (Colt.) In the late 1880’s lever action shotguns were introduced (5 shot) and in the 1890’s pump, or slide-action, shotguns first appeared (5 shots).
Coach guns were shorter barrel versions of the shotgun, named so because of their use on guards riding “shotgun” on stagecoaches. They are much easier to use on horseback than a regular shotgun, and most shotguns in the hands of gunmen, outlaws, and lawmen will be these shorter models.
Sawed off shotguns have their barrels cut extremely short, often with most of the stock removed, to form a lethal pistol sized shotgun.
The most famous repeat-fire weapon of the west. Capable of throwing out a tremendous amount of bullets, it was hand-crank operated, had multiple rotating barrels which facilitated cooling and synchronized the load-fire process, and had a top fed 50 shot magazine. After 1871 a 400 shot ammo drum was available.
Expensive and deadly, it is rarely seen outside of the military.

My post on unusual weapons found in the Spaghetti Westerns can be found here.
Binding Wounds
As this is inherently a no magic setting, it is recommended that this optional rule is used, allowing characters to regain 1d4 hit points immediately after combats.
Short Rest
This represents recovering from wounds combat fatigue, etc that are all rolled into the nebulous use of hit points. Also it's a great way to get some hp back in low magic healing settings. It's heroic and fits in the western genre.
Usable a maximum of 3 times per day.
The PC(s) must completely rest for 10 minutes: no fighting, ability checks, walking, etc. Just rest.
At the end of this period the PC(s) regain half of hp below max hp's.
They may continue on normally or take another Short Rest, up to the max of 3 per day.
1d6 + Int modifier, highest roll wins. Modifiers such as the Gamblers gambling ability apply.
Dexterity check for a +1 bonus.
A Gambler may substitute his Pick Pockets roll if he has a better chance.
If the cheater fails his roll the victim has a 1-2 in 6 chance of detecting the manipulation, pick pocket attempt, etc. A Dex bonus will drop the chance to 1 in 6.
If the cheater rolls a natural 20, he has been spotted by his victim or victims.
Dexterity check with modifiers as decided by the DM.
Falling off a moving horse or wagon does damage depending on the horses movement. For careful the damage is 1d4, for walking the damage is 1d6, and for running the damage is 2d6.
Normal ranged attack roll with a range of 30’. Once roped, the target can immediately make a Saving Throw at –4 to slip out of the lariat. If the victim fails, he or it is hooked on the cowboys line and can be dragged for 1d6. To avoid this the victim can immediately make a Str check (-4) vs. the cowboy’s Str to pull the rope out of the cowboy’s hands.
A called shot at –4 can be made to rope a leg, weapon, etc. The victim must make a penalized Str roll, as above, vs. the cowboy’s strength to retain a weapon, not have a leg pulled out from under him, etc.
If the character is caught in a stampede, he can either take cover or get stomped.
Sturdy cover such as a large boulder, tree, or a good thick wall will protect the character.
If no cover is available, the character can try to kill one of the stampeding animals and take cover behind its carcass. If this happens, the character automatically takes only half damage and can make a Saving Throw to take no damage at all.
If no cover is available the character takes 6d6 damage as he is stomped and gored by the panicked herd.

My post on unusual weapons found in the Spaghetti Westerns can be found here.
Binding Wounds
As this is inherently a no magic setting, it is recommended that this optional rule is used, allowing characters to regain 1d4 hit points immediately after combats.
Short Rest
This represents recovering from wounds combat fatigue, etc that are all rolled into the nebulous use of hit points. Also it's a great way to get some hp back in low magic healing settings. It's heroic and fits in the western genre.
Usable a maximum of 3 times per day.
The PC(s) must completely rest for 10 minutes: no fighting, ability checks, walking, etc. Just rest.
At the end of this period the PC(s) regain half of hp below max hp's.
They may continue on normally or take another Short Rest, up to the max of 3 per day.
1d6 + Int modifier, highest roll wins. Modifiers such as the Gamblers gambling ability apply.
Dexterity check for a +1 bonus.
A Gambler may substitute his Pick Pockets roll if he has a better chance.
If the cheater fails his roll the victim has a 1-2 in 6 chance of detecting the manipulation, pick pocket attempt, etc. A Dex bonus will drop the chance to 1 in 6.
If the cheater rolls a natural 20, he has been spotted by his victim or victims.
Dexterity check with modifiers as decided by the DM.
Falling off a moving horse or wagon does damage depending on the horses movement. For careful the damage is 1d4, for walking the damage is 1d6, and for running the damage is 2d6.
Normal ranged attack roll with a range of 30’. Once roped, the target can immediately make a Saving Throw at –4 to slip out of the lariat. If the victim fails, he or it is hooked on the cowboys line and can be dragged for 1d6. To avoid this the victim can immediately make a Str check (-4) vs. the cowboy’s Str to pull the rope out of the cowboy’s hands.
A called shot at –4 can be made to rope a leg, weapon, etc. The victim must make a penalized Str roll, as above, vs. the cowboy’s strength to retain a weapon, not have a leg pulled out from under him, etc.
If the character is caught in a stampede, he can either take cover or get stomped.
Sturdy cover such as a large boulder, tree, or a good thick wall will protect the character.
If no cover is available, the character can try to kill one of the stampeding animals and take cover behind its carcass. If this happens, the character automatically takes only half damage and can make a Saving Throw to take no damage at all.
If no cover is available the character takes 6d6 damage as he is stomped and gored by the panicked herd.
Yep. Also heard some gunmen a but of money rolled in an empty chamber for a funeral.